Small Business, Big Mindset

How to Find Quality Guests for Your Podcast or Video Series

September 21, 2021 Muscle Creative Season 2 Episode 70
How to Find Quality Guests for Your Podcast or Video Series
Small Business, Big Mindset
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Small Business, Big Mindset
How to Find Quality Guests for Your Podcast or Video Series
Sep 21, 2021 Season 2 Episode 70
Muscle Creative

Maybe you've started a podcast or video series...or perhaps you're in the planning stages.

Regardless of your topic, you're probably like - what the heck am I going to talk about every week (or whatever cadence you choose)?

Perhaps consider a format that allows you to welcome guests onto the show. That way, you won't have the pressure of carrying the entire show every week...and typically the guest will also help promote it. Two birds.

In this episode, I discuss 11 ways to seek out your ideal guests. After all, you want to be selective in who you invite to your show - they need to be a fit for your niche and your audience. 

Stream the episode and let me know which tactics you'll adopt to book your next guests!

Show Notes Transcript

Maybe you've started a podcast or video series...or perhaps you're in the planning stages.

Regardless of your topic, you're probably like - what the heck am I going to talk about every week (or whatever cadence you choose)?

Perhaps consider a format that allows you to welcome guests onto the show. That way, you won't have the pressure of carrying the entire show every week...and typically the guest will also help promote it. Two birds.

In this episode, I discuss 11 ways to seek out your ideal guests. After all, you want to be selective in who you invite to your show - they need to be a fit for your niche and your audience. 

Stream the episode and let me know which tactics you'll adopt to book your next guests!

Erin Geiger:

Welcome to the Small Business big mindset Podcast, where we dive into tactical strategies to grow your business. And to make an impact on this world. A huge part of success is keeping your mindset and vision on track. So this is a major part of our process. And this podcast, let's do this. Hi, Erin here, welcome to the small usiness, big mindset podcast. kay, this week, we're going to alk about how to find and book uests for your podcast, or aybe even your video show, or eries. So as you guys know, bviously, I have this weekly odcast and I am also live eekly on laid in with my power our crew, it's myself and my hree co hosts, sometimes it's he four of us, sometimes we ave some guests a booked, and t's all about trainings about ow to grow in your career or our business. I mean, we've had verything from like, sales eaders, to marketing rofessionals to political peech writers, I mean, verything runs the gamut. And t's all different ways to you o progress in your role within our career or within your usiness. So, you know, so I'm ooking guests for the podcast nd helping to book guests for hat show. So I thought, you now what, that could be helpful or other people who are tarting out with their own odcast or their own video show r series of like, hey, I want o do this. And I, I don't want t to be every me every time I o it. I want to have some uests on there. So I thought I ould just do a quick podcast pisode about that. So I'm going o go over just a few ways. And f you have any questions about hese, just throw me an email at ello at Muscle Creative calm, nd I'm happy to answer your uestion. So the first one I'll o over is Facebook groups. kay, so you should be in acebook groups anyway, because t helps you to network and to eally just know other people hat are in your line of work, hatever it may be, right? So ot necessarily to be in acebook groups to sell nything, but to learn to help thers out that sort of thing. o if you're not, in any acebook groups that have been o go with your area of xpertise, or what your business s in, do that. You know, and ust do some research, there's a roup for everything, I'm sure ou'll find a few. And if you ave questions on like, how to now which groups are, you know, orth your time on? Let me know,'m happy to help you with that s well. So when I look in acebook groups, I look at the inds post, okay, when wi n ight? So typically, these acebook groups will say like, ey, we want to hear from you. hat is what's, you know, a win hat you had this week? Or what re you working on? what's hat's going well, right, and hen everybody celebrates each ther. So if you look at the osts, where people are posting heir wins, that means that a, aybe they're doing well, and hey'd be interesting to talk to alk to you about their uccesses and how they did it, ow they built their business, ow they, you know, took that hose steps forward? Or, you now, even if they haven't eached this, the, you know, his like, huge success mark, hey're doing something, right. o they're, they're working oward a goal, they're ambitious r taking action. Okay, so these re the people that you're going o want to talk to you, specially if you have a usiness oriented podcast, or ideo series, but even if not, ven if it's a hobby, you want eople that are actually taking ction, and doing something. So ake a look at this, those posts hen people say post your wins, ou want to see, okay, who are hese people that are posting heir successes, they're xcited, they have the right indset, these might be the eople I want to talk to you ight introduced to your own udience. You also want to take look at people who are nswering questions and helping thers, okay, that tells you heir area of expertise. And it ould give you an idea if they'd e a good guest for you as well. nd the fact that they're nswering questions helping ther people, they're putting hemselves out there, they robably be a good onversationalist, and you know hat they're kind of like a eart centered person to where hey're there to serve and help thers. So that's pretty good uality, as well as somebody hat you might want as a guest. invite specific people, but I ave seen people post like ooking for guests. So if you do his, just be extremely specific nd what you're looking for. kay, so here's what I mean.'ll be in a Facebook group, and'll see a post that says, hey, have a podcast. I'm looking or guests. Anybody want to be n my podcast, and then my give he title? And that's it nstead, and of course, there's ike 400 comments, people like I ant to be a guest. I would like o be a guest because everybody ants to be on somebody's odcast, right? But it's like, kay, well, what do you want hese people to talk about? And hat's the topic of your odcast? Like, I'm a little bit wary. about those posts, and again, I don't do that I'm very specific on people that I want to have as a guest. So I reach out to them one on one directly. But I have seen people do that, where they post it, and then other people comment, and I guess they probably go off in their messages and talk more about it. But again, if you're going to use that tactic be very specific. Like, I would like to talk to people who have XYZ experience or XYZ hobby or have accomplished this, you know, just be very specific of who you're looking to talk to, okay, because you want to be, you know, who are you pretty critical of like, who you're bringing in to your podcast and who you're, you know, exposing to your audience. You can Another way is to look at other podcasts, right? So, look at the guests and other podcasts that have a similar ideal audience as you right. So who are those people talking to? Would they be what those guests be a fit for your podcast, you have similar audiences? Maybe they would so kind of branch out and see who's speaking on this other podcasts. Perhaps you're a member of networking groups or masterminds? Right, so maybe they maybe they're a member themselves and the same group as you. Again, if you're not in any networking groups, or masterminds, especially if you're in business, I really suggest that you take a look and see if you can find a group that fits for you. It's just great to be able to bounce ideas off of and just lock arms with other people in this entrepreneurial journey. But even if they're not in your same group, or mastermind, maybe it's a trusted referral. So maybe somebody in that mastermind or group has referred you to these other people that they think, hey, these could be you know, a good guests for your podcast, or your your video show. Okay, and then there's Facebook ads, so I get served. If If people target right, then I get served ads that correlate to my interest, right? So you can take a look at those right? Don't just dismiss them, take a look at the Facebook ads that come into your feed, download their free content, check them out, these might be people I mean, they targeted you, right, so they showed up in your feed for a reason. So check them out, right. So if you're down to their content, and you feel like hey, it's actually pretty good stuff, then kind of go down the rabbit hole, do some research, find their website, you know, find their Instagram, whatever, and see what they're like check them out, because maybe they'd be a great guest for your show. Another way is to search by hashtag, right? So hop on Instagram, you know, do some research on the hashtags that fit your niche, and search them on Instagram, who's using those hashtags, who's using the hashtags of your niche of your area of expertise of your line of products, that sort of thing. And then that way, you can find similar people that might be a good match as a guest, as well. If they're using the hashtags that are keywords for you. Chances are, you know, that could be a good fit. You can also search by keyword or similar people on Google YouTube Pinterest, right? These are all you know, Pinterest is essentially a search engine. Yeah. And so search by keywords and see what comes up who's pinning who is you know, posting stuff on YouTube, that's a great way to find people that could be guests as well. clubhouse, I think everybody has access to clubhouse right now. You know, maybe more before, I think I'm not sure about how many people are using them now. But hop on clubhouse, that's a great way to network and beat so many people that you never would have before, right? So you just find those rooms that are on topics that are similar to what you would talk about on your podcast. You know, even if it's cross industry, you'd be surprised at, you know, other people that could be great guests linked in. Okay, so it's great to have a consistent presence on LinkedIn, I try to post a few times a week. And in addition, I do that weekly live that I mentioned at the top of the show. So LinkedIn is a great way to network, especially if you start building relationships, and you comment on other people's content, you know, other people's posts, you know, typically, you know, they'll probably try to connect with you, right? And so you can then you can dive into messaging and kind of get to know them do not, I repeat, do not hit them with a sales pitch. Just as just connecting and as you guys Connect, you might want to you know, they might be a fit, and you could extend an invitation out to your podcast or your show. Okay, another thing is if you're taking digital courses, which probably most of you have at this point. There's top students in each digital course. Right? You know who they are. They're the ones who are doing really well. They're doing like six figure launches, like you see their posts. They're probably guests on the podcast of the person who runs the digital course like they're out there. It's very obvious who the top students are. So they could be great at Guests for your podcasts or your your video show, obviously, this, they're probably at the top of their game are doing well, they probably would like more promotion depending you know upon how busy they are, where they are and the level of their success. But those are great people as well. So take a look at the top students to see, you know, hey, these people are movers and shakers, they would be great to have on my show. You can look on Amazon, the top book and product lists, right? Like who's putting these products out who's publishing these books? Who, right who wrote them, you know, they could be really great guests as well. And you know, especially if their book is on pre order, they're going to want as much publicity as they possibly can, because those pre orders have their book that counts toward them getting on any of those New York Times bestseller, or any of the top book lists, right. So especially if it's before their book comes out, they're gonna want to talk to everybody about their, about their books. So that's another one, if you want to look on Amazon for that. And then don't forget about the local people, right? So look at top local lists, like top entrepreneurs, top fitness instructors, etc. Just look for your niche, you know, locally, and a lot of times if they're local, they'll be like, hey, Sure, I'd love to talk to you, right? Because it's local business helping local business. So that's another way to to look at it, you can even look at like, what investors are funding which websites, right, so because they're in a growth pattern, and so maybe you want to talk to those guys, too. So those are some ideas on how to get guests to book for your podcast or video show. You can also create an application, right? So you can have an application form online for people to signal interest and apply to be a guest. So I've seen people do this, too, they'll post it, like, Hey, if you're interested in being a guest, like fill out this application form, we'll get back to you. So that's another way. And that's a great way to kind of like have a backlog of people that are interested. So maybe you're booked out for the rest of the year. But then you know, you can take a look at that as your schedule starts to free up and contact those guys, too. And then look to see if they have any examples of audio or video or interviews online to give you a sense of how they might be on your podcast or on camera, can they hold a conversation, right? So just because they're doing really well in their business, let's say doesn't mean that they're well versed, or like you're able to kind of carry conversation like a lively discussion that's going to keep your audience engaged and listening, right. So you want to be careful about that. So a lot of people will have you know, some sort of audio or video or something online that you can kind of check out to see what they've done especially on Instagram. Sometimes they'll have like their own igt V's there, or maybe you know, Instagram Live if you catch it before it goes off. But those are some ways you can get their background and see kind of how they are, you know, live or on a podcast or video series. So just a few ways to consider when you're looking to book guests we had for your podcast, video show series, whatever it may be. hope it's helpful and I'll see you next week. Thanks for tuning in to the Small Business big mindset podcast. To keep the fun going. Check out our Facebook group start and scale an online business For even more free trainings and resources from fellow entrepreneurs. If you haven't already, head on over to Muscle Creative calm and click Subscribe, join our email list or weekly updates. And if you've enjoyed this podcast episode, check us out on your favorite podcast platform to follow us and give us a review. As always be authentic bring an insane amount of value and keep crushing it