Small Business, Big Mindset

The Keys to Building a Successful Online Quiz

October 05, 2021 Muscle Creative Season 2 Episode 72
The Keys to Building a Successful Online Quiz
Small Business, Big Mindset
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Small Business, Big Mindset
The Keys to Building a Successful Online Quiz
Oct 05, 2021 Season 2 Episode 72
Muscle Creative

What if there was a way to grow your email list, learn about your audience to offer them the exact solutions they need, AND have a shareable, reusable lead magnet for years to come? You probably know where I'm going with this…there is! 

An online quiz checks all these boxes, and this week we have online quiz extraordinaire, Linda Sidhu joining us. Linda is a list-building expert and strategic partner with Interact (a leading online quiz platform). In fact, one of her early quizzes was so successful that Interact reached out to her to ask how she did it, and would she partner up with them? Ever since Linda has made quite the name for herself as THE person to go to when creating an online business to grow your business.

One of the many things I love about Linda is how kind and transparent she is. She truly wants her fellow entrepreneurs to succeed, so she leaves no stone unturned - she shares her processes and completely went about and beyond in this discussion!

 Some highlights:

  • Three big mistakes people make when building online quizzes
  • How to tell what kind of quiz to create for your business
  • Critical steps to follow when building your quiz
  • Length, layout and quiz design
  • Make sure your results page has these components
  • The most powerful way to promote your quiz…and build your email list!
  • How to make your quiz work for you, beyond your email list

The Wrap-Up

  • If you could listen to one music artist for the rest of your life, who would it be? The Lumineers
  • Where can people find you online?

As promised, here are the Resources I promised I'd link to in the show notes: 

Discover your Quiz-to-Cash strategy here:

Join Linda's upcoming 3-Day Nail Your Quiz Idea Challenge:

 Check out this link to Interact - use this code for 20% off the lifetime of your quiz-


In this episode, we also chatted about some apps we use to meditate and become more centered. Linda referenced this app for hypnotherapy: Grace Space. I mentioned the app Head Space.

Show Notes Transcript

What if there was a way to grow your email list, learn about your audience to offer them the exact solutions they need, AND have a shareable, reusable lead magnet for years to come? You probably know where I'm going with this…there is! 

An online quiz checks all these boxes, and this week we have online quiz extraordinaire, Linda Sidhu joining us. Linda is a list-building expert and strategic partner with Interact (a leading online quiz platform). In fact, one of her early quizzes was so successful that Interact reached out to her to ask how she did it, and would she partner up with them? Ever since Linda has made quite the name for herself as THE person to go to when creating an online business to grow your business.

One of the many things I love about Linda is how kind and transparent she is. She truly wants her fellow entrepreneurs to succeed, so she leaves no stone unturned - she shares her processes and completely went about and beyond in this discussion!

 Some highlights:

  • Three big mistakes people make when building online quizzes
  • How to tell what kind of quiz to create for your business
  • Critical steps to follow when building your quiz
  • Length, layout and quiz design
  • Make sure your results page has these components
  • The most powerful way to promote your quiz…and build your email list!
  • How to make your quiz work for you, beyond your email list

The Wrap-Up

  • If you could listen to one music artist for the rest of your life, who would it be? The Lumineers
  • Where can people find you online?

As promised, here are the Resources I promised I'd link to in the show notes: 

Discover your Quiz-to-Cash strategy here:

Join Linda's upcoming 3-Day Nail Your Quiz Idea Challenge:

 Check out this link to Interact - use this code for 20% off the lifetime of your quiz-


In this episode, we also chatted about some apps we use to meditate and become more centered. Linda referenced this app for hypnotherapy: Grace Space. I mentioned the app Head Space.

Erin Geiger:

Welcome to the Small Business big mindset Podcast, where we dive into tactical strategies to grow your business. And to make an impact on this world. A huge part of success is keeping your mindset and vision on track. So this is a major part of our process. And this podcast. Let's do this. Hey, Erin here. Welcome to the mall Business big mindset odcast this week, we have Linda ue list building expert, and trategic partner with nteractive the quiz platform. elcome, Linda.


Hey, happy to be here. Erin,

Erin Geiger:

I should say welcome back. Because you were actually here when we first started our little baby podcast. So welcome back.


Yes, and a lot has changed for both of us probably since then. Right?

Erin Geiger:

So much so much growth. And so I, I definitely I was like, we need to have Linda back. Because your business has changed so much. Your focus has changed. I've seen just so much from you, I kind of watched you from the sidelines. And I'm like, oh my gosh. So you know, I'm like, Whoa, seeing you everywhere. And so it's super, super, super exciting. So for those of that the audience that maybe haven't listened to the episode, I've Gosh, I want to say it was like a year ago. Can you give us your background? A little bit about yourself and how you got started?


Yes, so um, I have to tell you, it all started about 10 years ago, and how I landed to what I'm doing right now. So back about 10 years ago, I was a pharmaceutical sales representative. And my company educated us on how to better understand a physician's personality. Well, I really took it to heart because I'm very nurturing. But I had to have the top 10 dermatologists in my territory. So I knew that I couldn't go into their office and try to sell them anything, you know, because they actually did clinical trials for my product. So what I wanted to do was I wanted to learn the personalities of the physician and show up in a way that made them feel comfortable and build the relationship from there before I ever tried to sell them anything. And it actually worked. I not only was able to build relationships, but I was a top 10 sales rep for the 10 years that was in terms of suitable sales. And as all because I really cared about building relationships first. Well, I quit that I retired from pharmaceutical sales. And I did that because I wanted to stay at home with my son when he was born. So I was a stay at home mom for a couple years. And then when he went to kindergarten, I decided to launch my own business. And it was then when I decided, Hey, I should do a personality quiz that makes sense in my head, it would be easy to do. And it was a great decision because it did really well I had I grew my email list by 300% in 60 days, and I had people sharing the heck out of the quiz, which by the way, quizzes are shareable, 1900 times to be exact, very great content to create for lead magnets because people share them. I didn't realize that at the time though. And then a couple months later interact actually reached out to me and said your conversions a little higher than a typical first time quiz and asked me my thoughts or my process behind it. And that's when I shared with him the basically I'm a personality expert because of my 10 years of pharmaceutical sales and sitting in my car and analyzing each doctor and trying to show up in a way that makes them feel comfortable. And he thought that was an ingenious way to create quizzes and asked me to be a strategic partner. So I spent the last year really helping coaches and of course creators create quizzes as their lead magnet. And I've not only been able to have success myself, but I've helped multiple entrepreneurs have success as well so that's what I do. I'm a personality quiz creator that's so

Erin Geiger:

incredible and I'm I feel like it came at the right time because you know when COVID hit I feel like maybe your business not that it helped it but maybe it took off like it didn't certainly doesn't seem like it would have hindered what you were doing.


happened in COVID was my business business failure ship. So what happened? Well, I was gonna say business partnership failure. So what happened is a year ago, you had interviewed my previous partner and I and unfortunately she no longer wanted to create quizzes. We I was quite we were kind of going in that direction. And she wanted to do her own thing. And so that happened August 2020. And it was in that moment where I knew how hard it was to create a business Erin. from scratch, it was all gone. I we lost our email list. We had to shut down our Instagram account. And it was in that moment that I said you know what? I'm going to keep going, but I'm gonna focus on my strengths. So I'm not going to focus on the whole email marketing anymore, I'm going to focus on the top of funnel, I'm going to lean into my strengths and hire anything else out. And within one month, I had to relaunch my entire business. And I had over 1000 people join my email list, focusing on quizzes. When I rebranded and went out on my own, it was almost like that energy that was holding me back was gone. Because maybe my partner really didn't want to do it. Yeah. And so when that was gone, I expanded.

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, cuz sometimes you don't even realize it, right? When you're working with that energy, you know, and all of that, and that atmosphere around you, it's just what you know, it's just what you're used to, it's just the way it is. But then when you're outside of it, it's like, Whoa, you know, like, What just happened? What did I allow myself to deal with for so long? And now look, look where I am? What am I accomplishing? Right?


Absolutely. And you know, I hope my previous partner is able to do her own thing, and, you know, fly with that, because there's nothing better than focusing on you know, what truly lights you up and to be able to go all in on that.

Erin Geiger:

Yes. 100% 100%. And so, what so I know that quizzes, I totally agree with you. There's so so powerful, but they do take some know how, because from personal experience I tried to make like, I keep saying, saying, I think I'm going to send it to you. But I'm like too embarrassed. So. So I know that, you know, it does take some know how some practice, it's not just throw up a few questions, and like you're done. So like, what are some things you can share with us, like some best practices? Or when people come to you? You know, kind of like, what are some of the first things you tell them?


Yeah, let me just say that there's three big mistakes that I see people do right out of the gate that's going to kind of it's going to not really allow you to make the biggest impact with their quiz. And those three mistakes are one, writing the quiz wrong, I noticed a lot of people write questions first, and really want to work backwards, and you want to write the result first. So that's number one, write the results. First, make sure it aligns with the offer that you want to promote it to. And then number two is you don't have a welcome series setup to it. So oftentimes, people send me a quiz and they'll say, can you take a look at this and review it, and I do, and it's a great quiz, and then there's nothing. And what happens is, the next email that gets sent out is just a newsletter email. So you've completely missed the opportunity to build your know, like and trust factor, which is a huge component to getting a new lead to become a new customer. And number three is I have a lot of people hire me to create a quiz for them. It's amazing, it's done. And then when it goes time to promote it. And we fall short in the promotion aspect. So what does that mean? A lot of times, you can put it on your website, you can share it with friends, you put it on Instagram, maybe you story about it on your Instagram, but you really do have to shout it from the rooftops over and over and over again, because you kind of want to treat it like an actual course launch. So when I see people take that approach and treat it like an actual course launch, I've seen people who have success with quizzes and promotion on the promotion aspect, where they've done a Facebook party and they pop champagne, and they take people through the entire quiz and say, Look what I did. This is why it's going to impact you and your business and they bring the customer to the forefront. And I've seen people you know, just go above and beyond when it comes to promotion ask asks friends to share it. One thing I did was a behind the scenes on how I created my new quiz. I went on my Facebook page went live and show them exactly how I did the research, things like that this gets people interested. And then the other thing is, is it's really a quiz. It's built for a lifetime. So now that you have the link to the quiz, you can use it for workshops that you are an expert guest speaker, you can share it at the end for them to take the quiz. You can use it as a tool for your business. When you sell your courses. You make sure people take the quiz and learn something about them. But there's so many things you can do with a quiz that people may not realize it. And a lot of people just are quiet. They don't shout it from the rooftops. They're like it's here, like that. Let's say it's here, build it and they look, but that's unfortunately not true. Yeah. And

Erin Geiger:

it's so funny. I learned that from your group. There was a Facebook Live that you had in your group and we'll put a link to your group in the show notes too, because it's so much great information there. Where it was about treating freebies like free content as a launch, and I gotta be honest with you, it never would have crossed my mind, you know, to do that to put so much around a free piece of content. But if that piece of content is a cornerstone to what you're doing, you know, I mean, it makes complete sense, like, why treated as this thing over there, you know that you're kind of like, Oh, it's over there somewhere. But it's like, No, wait. That's the foundation of your audience growth and everything else that's going to come from it. So I thought that was genius when I when I had heard that notion. So that's pretty amazing. Okay, cool. And so how do you help people get ideas? Because what if someone's like, okay, I want to do a quiz, I need to grow my email list, it seems like the best way to do it. Where do I start? I don't even know what to


do. I think one of the best questions, or one of the most frequently asked question is what kind of quiz should I do for my business? And to answer your question, when I think about quiz titles, I always want to bring it back to your ideal clients, who are you trying to call in because with your quiz, you can attract the right clients, and you can repel people too. And that's exactly what you want to do for your business, you want to call in the right people. So typically, you also want to consider niching, down and being more of a specialist. So I'll use this as an example. There's a client that came to me about a year ago, and she was a coach. And she was on to niching down and was talking to me about, you know, I kind of want to call out the Catholic Moms. I'm a Catholic Mom, I want to call in those people to my audience. So I want to use that. Well. She started to niche into not just being a life coach, but a Catholic mom, life coach. And she elevated her business in so many different aspects, because now she was a specialist for Catholic moms and not just a coach, right? Well, we use that title and her quiz. It was what kind of what kind of Catholic mom are you. And the results went to different saints like Mother Teresa was one of them. But anyways, she is scale, or she actually grew her email list from 1000 to 5000, in just four months, when we made that switch to clarity, wow. So the takeaway is, the more you can call out your ideal client and your quiz title, the better it's going to be for your business. So you got to be really clear on who you're attracting and what the offer is going to go to. And then go that extra level and be like, Can I niche down just one more bit to make it even that much more effective?

Erin Geiger:

Yeah. And so it's it's, it's kind of reverse engineering the whole process? Because you know, you were saying even even writing it started with the results. And so and then typically, would you recommend they'd start with the offer in mind, right? There's got to be there got to be some play at the end. Right? So you can you talk about that a little bit?


Yeah, actually, that is, the number one thing you want to have is a validated offer. And ideally, a validated offer is when somebody has actually bought something from you, even if it's just one time. The reason being is because when you have an offer out there, it's energy, it's an exchange and money. And a lot of people make mistakes, when they do okay, I'm going to do a beta group, and I'm gonna give it all away for free. And I'm going to just ask for an exchange of testimonials. Well, there's that energy thing right there where it's like, people got it for free. But even for beta, you want to put a price tag on it. And maybe instead of calling it a beta, and they're getting it for free, maybe like a founders price, just switch it to you know, founders price. And if you see people paying for it that right there is a validation, it's a chain is in it's exchanging money, which is a different energy about it, right? So it's really important to know your offer, and that people are actually willing to pay money for it. And once you've achieved those results, and you have clarity on that, then you can make a quiz because the thing is, is I think it goes back to capacity. If you aren't clear on your offer, and know that people want to buy it, what's going to happen when you get a bunch of leads with your quiz when they come rolling in. Right? It's the capacity to take it on, because quizzes can do really great job of growing your email list. But if you don't have the alignment with the two together, you're gonna fall short somehow, because you might get a lot of people in, but then they might not transition into a become a buyer if you don't feel good about your offer.

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, and then you have to be careful too, because you might get all these people in on your list, and then they have zero to do they're not your target audience. Right? They have zero to do with what you're doing. And then it's like, okay, you have all these people on your list, but what's good, is it right? And so do you think, or have you seen that more of the because there's so many different quiz types out there. But from your research and from your expertise, it really is more of the personality based ones right? Like where the result is you are this is are typically the ones that people want to share the most. Is that right?


Yeah, I think the thing was personality quizzes. As people always want to know more about themselves, they always want to learn about their strengths. Sometimes they want to uncover their weaknesses. They're very intriguing for your audience. And they are rewarding, because usually the results are always positive, you're stroking their ego, you're making them feel good and validating them as soon as they come into your community. And so why wouldn't you want to share that? Like, hey, you know, I was a, you know, online marketing role model in this quiz, like, go check it out, tell me what you are, right? Like, it's almost, you know, you've got a compliment, and you kind of want to shout yourself out for it and share it be like, what did you get, and you can do different quizzes. But I just find that personality quizzes are the number one quiz that people want to take. And it's a good exchange for you and your audience. And it's a good way to meet in the middle and feel good about something that you've offered somebody where they find it valuable. And yeah, so that's my thought on personality. Because this was back in years ago, as a girl, you're always like, taking the personality quizzes in the magazines, and people just how just get really excited about the whole personality thing? Yeah,

Erin Geiger:

no, it's very true. And it's it's fun, you know, and you're proud of the result that it's like, oh, look at me, you know, and other people want to take it as well. And what about the length of a quiz? Like what is what is your take on that?


I guess the length of a quiz just depends on what you're what the business owners offering, I must treat them a little bit of sales pages, though, like a journey, you want to take your new lead on a journey with you. So the result page, the beginning of it is really all about the new customer, it shares more about their personality strengths. But eventually you kind of want to segue into, like, what was the purpose of the quiz as the entrepreneur, so then you kind of share some quick wins, maybe you share framework, and maybe you share an old resources, that would be helpful, but all of it has intention, and a point to be there. So I don't create super long results for the sake of creating super long results, they end up with either short or long, depending on the value that needs to be shared and the actual result page. But there are a few things, you definitely want to add testimonials to share that you've been able to give other people success. So one or two testimonials is great to add into the result pages, you want to have your bio, so people understand there's actually someone behind the quiz that created it and introduce yourself, you definitely also want to have a call to action. So with any type of content, whether it's instagram, emails, even a sales page, and also your quiz results at the bottom, you want to say what to do with this. So join my facebook group or follow me on Instagram. So there are some essential pieces that you want to have. And then, you know, once it's done and you feel good about it, then you can move on.

Erin Geiger:

Awesome. And then how many questions typically do you have within a quiz? Do you think?


So I was actually working with a client this morning on questions. And we ended up with eight questions for a quiz. And typically I told her I like to be between seven and nine. And I don't force anything. I like to have three different questions, a couple personality questions to make sure we nail the right personality and you get the right result. Those are about three to five questions. I also liked to have a research question or two to gather some insights on the entrepreneur. My new quiz, actually, there was a really easy question that said, you know, what, what do you identify with? Are you a copywriter, a course creator, a coach or something else? And the reason why is I just was curious to see, you know, who's attracted to my quiz, who's attracted to my offers, and get more clarity around that. So what I would do with that question is maybe I would create something for course creators or something for coaches later on down the road where it would make sense to give different offers to those individuals, right? And then the last question I like to add is just to keep things fun, softball questions. Those typically get filtered in between the ones that are the personality questions or the research questions. You don't want people to think too hard. So after there was a harder question, or a question that maybe you had to think for a minute, you want to have a softball question, something that's super easy, maybe that is doesn't have a lot to do with what the result is, but just an easy way to keep it going. And then when you feel like you've kind of got a good flow of like, thoughtful questions, and then a softball question and a research question. You know, once you've got your results, don't force anything like you don't have to add another question if you're kind of in between seven tonight.

Erin Geiger:

Okay? No, that's really good because I feel like probably people's first train of thought is like, just get as many question And then as possible to get as much information out of people as possible but but if people are feel like it's work to get through your quiz, they're, they're more apt to to drop off, you know, and not even finish it. So I love that you said that it's like have a couple of maybe thought provoking research oriented questions and then throw a fun kind of soft one in there, you know. So that makes so much sense. And then for the multiple choice answers, do you usually do like three, four, you know, for them to pick on? Or like, Is there a sweet spot for that?


Yeah, so I designed my quizzes and the disc format. So if you guys are familiar with the disc assessment, its dominant influence are steady or conscientious. So you're either fast paced, which is dominant or influencer, or you're slower paced. And what I mean by slower paced is you make your decision makings a little more thoughtful, you take a little bit more time to decide, versus you don't get scared of like fear of missing out, like you probably won't buy on Black Friday. You know, those people don't really care about it. They're like, I'm gonna read the reviews, I'm gonna read the testimonials, I'm gonna make sure I make a quality decision here. So those are the s and the C's steady and conscientious. So I have four different personalities. So there's going to be four different answers, typically for the personality quiz. And for example, if you were to walk into a networking room, it was 2019, pre COVID. What would you do? Well, the dominant personality would scan the room and they would try to figure out somebody that they knew because they hate small talk with strangers. So that would be answer number. Yeah, answer number one. Number two, the influencer they love people. So they would probably go up to somebody new Say hi introduce themselves. And they would see that and say, okay, that's me. And they would pick that answer. Number three, the loyal, more thoughtful, slower paced, people oriented person, they would actually go find the host and say, is there anything I can do to help support you? So I would have that as that. And the last one, the analyser typically would find a good seat and people watch. So you want to kind of answer it for the personality questions in a way that somebody would actually do it. So when, so that way you can nail their actual personality. And then when they get their results, they're like, wow, you just read my mind. This is me to a tee?

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, no, oh, my gosh, it makes so much sense. And so those four personalities then correlate to the four possible results At the end of the quiz, and then you touched on something earlier that I want to talk a little bit about is like how to use the results of the quiz, because it's not. I don't want to say just growing your emails, because that's really powerful. But the data and information you get from the quiz is so super powerful, too. Can you talk about that a little bit?


Yes. I love that you asked this question, because most people want to create a quiz for the sake of growing their email list. And that's really the tip of the iceberg, right? What you don't see underneath the water is you're segmenting your list based on personality, which means your understanding your buyers personalities, and you'll be able to serve them in a better way and show up in a way that's going to bring them more value and support and even personalize your marketing. And then also, because you're personalizing your marketing, you're able to drive your, you're able to drive leads into buyers and make a better conversion and sell something to them. And then last but not least, you're creating content that's shareable. I mentioned this at the beginning where people share this, there's not a lot of PDF downloads out there that we're gonna, like, share on there, you know, oh, check this PDF download out. So they're always fun, but you're doing so many different things. But when you look at the data, so specifically, you segment your email list based on someone's personality, I worked with this TEDx coach earlier this year. It's really fascinating. She's a very dominant personality. But she recognized when we looked at the data that she was attracting 50% of our audience was actually the exact opposite of her. They're very heart centered. And honestly, once we saw this, we're like, Hello, why don't we? Why did we see this coming from a mile away? Because typically people who want to take the stage and on a TED talk, or people who want to change the world, they have an emotional component to their speech. And they want to do it for the sake of saving the lives of our children, right? So a lot of people were coming to her because they had this amazing message that was going to change the world. And so what she did with this information is that type of personality is more thoughtful. They're not going to buy, you know, cart Open Day, unless they've been thinking about doing a TED talk for a long time, right. So what she did with this information was she did a different launch. She did her planned webinars, but then she opened up discovery calls on the back end, so people could submit their actual ideas for a TED talk and she would meet with them one on one and talk it out. Well, what was this doing? It was building the relationship. It was gaining trust. And it was something that she added to her launch that she didn't do the first time. And when she added this component, she was actually building the relationship. And I think a lot of those people transferred into becoming a, you know, a member in our course. And they were also the ones that showed up with their homework assignment and carried through the course torque to the end.

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, see, that's what it's all about. Because you don't want you don't want someone just to take your quiz ganar MLS, and then See you later, you know, it's like, you want that to be just the beginning. So it's not the end, like, Oh, great, they're took my quiz. They're on my email list, perfect, you know, the end, you know, it's like, No, no, that's just the beginning of the journey, every relationship with these, these people that have joined your list. And so I love that, I love that story. And how that person leverage that into really increasing the connection with their audience, because then of course, they're going to feel like, Oh, this person actually wants me to succeed, and cares about what's happened to be next. And so I would more be more apt to trust and work with them. So I think that's amazing. And so now you work with interacts, that's the platform that you use, and so with, if people are like, and I'll put your, your link your indirect link in the show notes as well, if people want to kind of like, you know, press some buttons and try it out. So are there just some tips when when working with interact or kind of benefits with working with that platform?


Okay, so when we chose interact for a very first quiz, it was probably the most easy to use. And that was really the only reason it looked nice. It was easy to use. So we went with it. And it was, it was very good, competitively priced, there's some that can be really expensive out there. And yes, you did have to pay a little bit of money, because I think there are some that are also a little less expensive. But you get what you pay for and what interacted is they, they really care about their customers, they offer a lot of trainings value. I know I've done two workshops for their community, completely for free, teaching them about personality quizzes, helping them with welcome series information, things like that. So they have a ton of support. And honestly, I am not a tech person. I when I went all in with my new business, I said I'm gonna hire that out, because I'm going to run fast, I don't have time for this. And that's going to hold me back. And so self proclaimed not a tech person here. And I was capable to put a quiz together on interact, it was so easy. It is they've got beautiful templates. And yeah, I just I can't rave enough about interact. I think they're a fabulous company, very easy to use. For someone who is also not tech savvy. And if you do link it, I can also offer your audience 20% off the lifetime of their quiz with a code. So they'll have to join my affiliate link. And then if you do a quiz, you can get 20% off with my code as well. So I'll send that to you as well. Yeah,

Erin Geiger:

that'd be great. That'd be so great. Thank you so much. Yes, I think that's probably a non starter for a lot of people they're like I do Don't do like technology and I and I are not friends or we don't play well together. So forget it, you know, so it's good to hear I mean, yeah, I thought it was very simple to make a quiz and they they guide you so well you know, on the different types and and everything and images are not an not an images and that sort of thing. Shifting gears just for a second. So you because there's our our audience is largely entrepreneurial. And so you started a business within a partnership that dissolved and then you transitioned into your own business. So can you talk a little bit about that so you know, just for people who are maybe are about to go through that either transitioning into because I mean, gosh, with COVID a pandemic? It's kind of exciting in a way because people are really they're analyzing the path they've been going down and then they're thinking hey, maybe I need to go in this direction instead and start over or start a new business. So were there any kind of like, I don't know insights or things you learned when you went through that process?


Yeah, I think what I learned is first of all, I want to normalize the fact that people have to start over maybe they failed and they have to do it again. I know I actually lost my business three times. That wasn't the first I tried my hand at multi level marketing when I was a stay at home mom and I lost my download downline twice what I had to cancel it because I had to switch over to a different company because I I went from health and fitness to skincare and I had a skincare background so I was more excited to do the skincare and then decide to quit wanting to do the other and then I did the other one was skincare and that company went belly up. I had 20% of the company underneath me Wow. I was one of the founding members I was doing an amazing job and then it was gone. So second time I lost my email third time was with my friends. Heard sounds like I don't know if entrepreneurship is really for me. But I was like, You know what, I'm just gonna do it. And I just kept moving forward. So that's the thing. I think failure. First of all, it's normalized failure. And I think it's actually just, you know, if you're climbing up a mountain, it's just stepping to the wrong way. And then you're recognized, okay, this wasn't the right way. Let's get back on track. I think that failure and success has a very jaggedy, up, down, you know, all around path. So that is normal, that is normal. And pivoting is completely normal. And I also want to recognize, like, I myself know that I actually like to pivot, I enjoy doing different things, I like to have fun with my business, I never was one to stay loyal and stay with the same company forever, you know what I mean? I like to move around, I love to travel. So with that in mind, I think it's important to also create a business where you're not so nice that you have the flexibility to like expand and go a different direction. And I think it's okay if you don't want to do what you're currently doing anymore. I think if you have a good following all it's all about your brand. And if people care about you, they will also continue to follow you. Now maybe the health and fitness people are not following me right now because they are trying to lose weight, right? But that's okay, it's you just kind of have to go with the flow and have confidence in yourself. And always check in and say is this lighting me up because this is taking time and time is one of those resources that doesn't come back. So you want to make sure you're thriving, not just surviving. So really taking a deep looks and being okay with the fact that your path isn't going the way errands is or the way mine is or you know, follow your own path. And I do want to say on this note, no one's going to take away your destiny. Yeah, so that was something that I kept telling myself of my own mantra for 2020 when I had a really rough year, I'm not gonna lie that year was really rough. And I kept saying no one's gonna take away my destiny if I have to slow down or I have to restart that is mine. And actually, I don't have to compete for it. So I also quit following a lot of people I only chose two mentors to really help direct my way and that's it like it just lean into yourself and lean into your intuition and double down on your strengths.

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, no, I love that because we should normalize that because that's majority of what all of us go through you know we go through failures we go through missteps we go through transitions and as long as you learn something from it and you keep going then it's valuable and it's actually a good thing you know a benefit to to where you are and you know when people are like I want to start a business but I don't you know i'm not sure you know, I'm like just start because typically like even three months, six months down the line what you're doing now will have changed but you know, and like your goals will have changed and so decisions you make today just start somewhere because it's not going to matter in six months, you know, cuz something transition so I 100% agree. So since you're you're handling all of this, like I always like to share like routines or you know, stuff that you've implemented into your day or your week to kind of keep you going because we can't always run on empty. So what do you do to kind of keep that going?


Great question. So I love to get outside and walk my dog, I probably started the majority of my days taking her on a hike so I actually don't do work until about 10 o'clock, I get breakfast going I get my son to school and I take my dog on a hike and I started slow and I get grounded and then I'm willing to take on other people's energy and of course I don't do that every single morning but I do try to have somewhat of a routine and so if there's a different type of morning and I'm a little bit more busy I at least try to go outside in my bare feet and just take four deep breaths and ground myself I think at a bare minimum taking four breaths and just pushing my energy down instead of keeping it like high up just allows me to start the day and so I think that's the thing is I used to do a morning routine I used to actually when I was doing the health and fitness I was like okay, I gotta get up I gotta work out this like starts at 530 in the morning right like 5am club you know here I am I read the book it's time to get up you know, um, so I was working out journaling doing all this stuff and then Honestly, I don't know it COVID hit Liam was home. We got a puppy like it was unrealistic, right? And so literally my my morning routine turned into four deep breaths. I think the thing is, is have something even if it's small to do on a daily basis and then when you have the time to do the other things like whether it's go for a hike or do an actual workout or do the peloton, then do those things like 434 times during the week but don't feel bad or don't wait till next Monday. Okay, I'm gonna restart on next Monday like just do it and then always at nighttime I love an app called grace space. So I always end my night with a hypnosis recording and it really just kind of what helps me let go of the day and to say goodbye to it and you know, just be okay that if I didn't get everything done, I didn't get everything done and I'm okay to say goodbye to the day and then listen to something that's gonna fill my bucket whether it's you know, self worth, I just kind of picked different things abundance of money block stuff like that anything that's going on, I picked something and I typically fall asleep to it and it's just really beautiful way to and then I

Erin Geiger:

yeah, I yeah, it's funny because I've done all those things I used to work out at 5:30am like I you know, all this stuff. And I'm like, I did it for like two years, you know, and so and now I'm, I'm very much aligned with your way of thinking and it's like, does it feel right like am I doing this just because so and so said too Am I doing this just because all of the successful professional You know, they're they're all doing this because if I did everything that they all did, it would take me four hours. So, so yeah, so I and I have to find it on my phone and put the the link in there because there is I'll put a link to the what's called headspace. That's the one that I downloaded. And it's like meditation, you know, that sort of thing. And so I'll put a link to both of those, the one that you mentioned, and that one, I'm in the show notes for people who want to try try that out. I am not very well versed in it yet. So I was like, I'm gonna do it every day that hasn't happened. So I have to tell


you that I used to have one calm, okay, there was calm that's similar to headspace. And then I listened to it for like six weeks, and then I stopped with grace space. I've been listening to it for almost two years. Okay, came out, actually, maybe not two years, maybe a year and a half. It came out during COVID. And she gave it away for free, okay. And I had actually bought her book and heard about her before. And so I don't I did her book. And then when her app came out, I got it for free for like three or four months. And then she said, Okay, now I'm gonna have to charge you. Literally I do it every night. And I've been doing it since COVID. Hit and spring of 2020 Oh, wow.

Erin Geiger:

Okay, now that's huge. All right. Yeah, let's check that one out. For sure. Okay, so I'm super excited to hear cuz you have so many awesome things coming up. So what is happening in your business now? And what is what's your vision for the future? Tell us everything.


Okay, so thanks for asking this. I am so excited. Because I think the last year I was very, very intentional on where I was going, listened, did a lot of surveys did a lot of one on one discovery calls and trying to figure out what exactly my audience wanted for me. And so for a whole year, I've been working hard on the quiz lab. So I'm actually opening a group coaching program soon. And I actually hired a teacher that she's a retired teacher to help me with the curriculum. And I recognized that a couple things about my audience. One is they wanted confidence and copy. So I hired an award winning copywriter to help me with my group coaching to make sure all the editing is perfect, and they feel good with their quiz results. But also, I hired a curriculum coach to help me understand how to teach to adults, and help them implement their quiz idea. So now I have amazing workbooks, templates and a ton of resources. So what that did is it really gave me confidence in my upcoming coaching program. And I'm only taking 20 people. This is because I really want to make sure I deliver on my course promise. So it's not a quantity thing. To me. It's a quality thing like for those who join. I'm very purposeful about it. I want them to want to create a personality quiz, but not an ecommerce quiz. Like I don't know what to do about if they want to sell deodorant. Like, what I don't know what your personalities is about your deodorant, I guess. But anyways, it has to be really intentional. It has to be the right person who wants to do a personality quiz. And then I'm going to make sure that they get it done. And we want to deliver the course promise by the end of the week, eight weeks so that they actually have a link for their quiz and they feel proud about it. So that's why the limited seats are there so we can assure we help them out. But before that, and just being fully transparent. I am doing a three day event, October 12 through the 14th that's really going to unblock the number one question I get which is what is my quiz title. And so what I've done is I put together three days of resources free trainings. To help each person understand what their quiz idea should be. So at the bare minimum, I at least am helping them think of their own idea. And then if they want to join the quiz lab or not, they should at least be unblocked and ready to go to create their own quiz by that three day challenge date. On October 14, once it's over, like it should, they should feel expansive and ready to go.

Erin Geiger:

I love it so much. And so if you're listening to this recording, when it goes alive, like around the go live date, then there's still there's time to get in on the challenge. So we're gonna put the link to the challenge and information to the group coaching as well, in the show notes. That's why I'm so glad we were able to talk now so we can give people that information so they can go and sign up for those things. I'm so super excited about that. Yes, the world needs more of Linda, and we need more of these personality quizzes to grow our audiences and get that connection going. Okay, so where can people find you online? If they want more info about stuff?


Yeah, great question. So it's Linda, or, you know, www dot Linda, Li, N, da, ss and Sam, i, d as in David That's my website. Pretty much everything is on my website, I have my current quiz on there, which is what's your quiz to cache strategy. And that's exactly for people who want to create a quiz whether you've already created one or not, but it tells you the results share basically, how you should launch your quiz and your course based on your personality strengths. So it's a really good quiz. And that's on my website. And then if you follow me on Instagram, it's at Linda, underscore sedu, underscore quizzes. And then of course, my facebook group is actually where I show up most and that's quiz creators. And then of course, you mentioned the three day challenge that's coming up on October 12. So there's lots of things and places you can find me, I've been working on all this all of this for the past year. So you're lucky and your audiences. Great timing for the podcast, since it's all available now.

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, that's awesome. Okay, so we'll put all those links in the show notes. And so we have already asked you a fun question. We're gonna ask you again, it can be the same answer. It could be different. But if you could only listen to one music artists for the rest of your life, who would it be?


So I think I'm gonna stick with my same answer, but it's the Lumineers.

Erin Geiger:

Tried and True. Tried and true.


Yeah, that you did. Who else is a close? Second is the head and the heart, but they're very similar to the luminaries. Yeah. I like them as well, like monsters. And then oh, yeah,

Erin Geiger:

they're all there. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. So I don't know if you saw but for. around our one year anniversary, for our podcast, we put out a playlist and on Spotify, and it was all of the artists that each podcast guests had named as their artists. And so the luminaires that are on our playlist, because, because that was your answer. So but yeah, it's on Spotify, like small versus big mindset, the playlist and so it's kind of cool. Yeah, it's all entrepreneurial favorites. So well, Linda, thank you so much for joining us again. You just shared so much are we so transparent, you share so much with your fellow entrepreneurs. I really appreciate it.


Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. Here. You guys. Have a great weekend and take care. I'll see you soon.

Erin Geiger:

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