Small Business, Big Mindset

Money Manifestation, Mindset, and Science

Muscle Creative Season 2 Episode 75

This week I get to chat with Emily King, wealth and abundance coach. She focuses on helping women entrepreneurs with their money mindset to grow their income and impact doing what they love.


After years of hoarding money and coming from a scarcity mindset, Emily learned about money mindset. In addition to vision boards, mantras, and visualizations she learned the science behind it all. Things that 'shouldn't have happened' started to happen the more she learned and implemented…like a $100K product launch.


Highlight Discussions:

  • What a financial thermostat is and how to manage yours
  • Harnessing your reticular activating system
  • The first steps Emily has her clients take toward financial freedom
  • What she implemented to earn at $100K launch


The Wrap-Up

If you could listen to one music artist for the rest of your life, who would it be? Mumford and Sons


Where can people find you online?

Erin Geiger:

Welcome to the Small Business big mindset podcast where we dive into tactical strategies to grow your business and to make an impact on this world. A huge part of success is keeping your mindset and vision on track. So this is a major part of our process and this podcast let's do this Hey Erin here Welcome to the Small Business big mindset podcast this week we have Emily King wealth and abundance coach welcome Emily. Hey Erin, thanks for having me. So excited to have you here and so Emily and I met through Laura Bell gray who I mean I just want to like I don't know kneel down to her. What do we do with or I don't know, right? Like those diehard fans so incredible. So honor that we get to work with her and just so honored that with this community that I get to meet great people like yourself and I want to say thanks to you as well because Fun fact Emily's do Dave her first baby was yesterday. We do not yet the time of this recording. We were ready to share this is going to happen we'd have to put pull it off or push it off so once this episode publishes we will pile the PI be time for Hey, congratulations on the arrival of your baby. Yeah. I told her to be super exciting if it happened during the episode but we'll see.


Yeah, we'll see. I'll let you guys know if i Waterberg right

Erin Geiger:

so Emily let's jump right in Let's not waste any time yeah So tell us a little bit about yourself your background and how you got started with what you're doing today.


Yeah, so like I said I'm a wealth and abundance coach so that essentially means I help women entrepreneurs, with their money mindset to grow their income and their impact doing what they love and how I got into this I mean I won't give the long story unless you want to go there but

Erin Geiger:

hey the short of it we got much you have as much time as you do


for that baby so basically I started my business back in 2015 doing general life coaching and quickly learned that I really love money mindset and really saw a gap with women being really awesome and having this awkwardness around money and like really playing I hate I hate the cliche phrase playing small but it was really playing small around what they can do in this world and so me I just love money mindset I had a lot of success with money mindset having like before my coaching business having meant like, I say manifested lightly like having manifested like 100k cash, which we can get into that little bit but after having done that, I yeah, I just wanted to like sing it from the rooftops like shouting from the rooftops like everyone needs to know about money mindset. And so in 2016 I pivoted to exclusively work with women entrepreneurs around money mindset, and yeah, the latter part of 2016 so it was like August was when I made that pivot and that's when my business really took off. So I feel like it was meant to be Yeah,

Erin Geiger:

what did you so taught us let's talk about a little bit about the money mindset like how do you define that? And how did it How did you realize that that was what impacted you in order to grow success in your business before we even started helping other women with it?


Well, it's it's kind of like awareness is key with anything and so but before like, before I knew about money mindset, I just thought, I don't even know what I thought about well, I know my own personal thoughts about money, like, I thought money was scarce, I hoarded it, I was really afraid of spending it. And I wanted to have more of it, but it didn't quite know how. And I kind of grew up in like middle class type family. My dad was entrepreneur. So sometimes things are great. Sometimes things were bad. And so there's just kind of up and down relationship with money. And I didn't realize for full two decades really didn't have decades that you that your mind and how you think about money could have an impact on what you're seeing in your bank account. And so when I learned about money mindset, that our thoughts, our beliefs, what we think we can and can't have really impacts our external. It was just like, Oh, this It was as if like somebody had had just revealed like this biggest secret to me, and I was just like, oh, what do you mean? And it was like, from that point on was like, everything changed for me where I like went all in like I drank the Kool Aid. I did all the things. I did the vision boards. I did mantras. I did the visualizations and it worked. So it was just like, Well, I mean, if it's working, I'm not gonna, like, challenge it, you know. And next thing, you know, I'm building my first ever like dream home and then like flipping, like flipping that to sell it to that make the cash that I desired. And then starting my own coaching business and just doing these things that quote unquote, like shouldn't have happened. But were because I attribute a lot, a lot of it to my mindset around what was possible for me,

Erin Geiger:

okay, no, that's incredible. And I had heard or read some research that says, like, you typically keep making the same amount of money, because of your mindset, right? So everyone's like, I just can't get out of this, you know, this pay grade, you know, like, everything that I do, you know, it's the same amount if I get a new job, or if I lose money, but then I get money back, it takes me to the same spot, you know, like, I can't see that break out of it. And now and it has to what I read was that it has to do with your your money mindset, and how you think about money and how it impacts you. And that's kind of like subconsciously, what you think your your worth. And so yeah, you don't break out of that is Do you agree with that?


Yeah, we all have our internal financial thermostat, so to speak, where, whether we realize it or not, there's a bare minimum that all of us are like, I would never go below this in a million years, like, that just isn't possible. And then on the flip side of that, we have our top number that we will one thing, like, Okay, if I hit that, that would be like, a one off. Like, that'll never happen again. Which side note sometimes happens in entrepreneurship, where we might have a really good month, be it 10k a month, 20k a month, 100k a month, whatever it might be for whoever's listening out there. And but then we go, Well, that was an accident, or like, that's too good to be true. Like these things that we grow up hearing the classic, too good to be true, that one, I can't stand that thing. Because it really trips us up in to your point like, when we do really well, we some, we then kind of go back to our quote unquote, norm, or a default zero, if you will, because we have this belief of like, that's too good to be true is a one off, it was just a fluke. That's not sustainable, that we get in our heads with these thoughts. And then, because of that, we then don't make it our normal. And then we do go back to you know where we were before. And we do make it this one off situation. So absolutely, I agree with that.

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, and there's a science behind it, right? Because I think, you know, some people listening might be like, oh, gosh, it's so fluffy, you know, but there's actual science, you can rewire your brain and the brain synapses and everything. So there's a lot of research on that as well. So that that's been proven that you actually your mindset does actually impact, you know, the outcomes as you move forward. salutely


Well, even like the or it's abbreviated, or as I don't know, if you've heard of that before, it's the reticular activating system in our brain. And it's basically the filter for the brain because otherwise the brain, you know, has to take in the brain could take in, you know, billions of bits of information a minute if it really wanted to, but it can't because we would be frozen out. So it has to have this filtering system. And so the filtering system comes down to our consciousness really, and us telling it, okay, pay attention to this, don't pay attention to that ignore this. So like delete things, distorts things and generalizes things to kind of fit the mold, if you will, of what we believe is possible for us. So if somebody like the example I love to give that, that I'm totally stealing from Tony Robbins is if you look around the room and look for anything that's blue right now, like you will find it like I'm just looking out the window, okay, so yep, blue, blue, blue. Alright, perfect. Then if I come back to look at you and ask myself like, Okay, what did I just see that was purple. I'm like, I don't know what I just saw. That was I was looking for blue. Right? So the same thing, it's a really simplistic way of, of giving an example of this is how our brain works when it comes to money of like, okay, let's just say somebody is used to, there's a lot of people out there, and no shame, no judgment, who are used to having credit card debt, like that's just their norm. Like, I always have credit card debt. So if that's their, that's the track that's playing, so to speak, in their mind, that's what they're gonna get, that's when they look around. And maybe they pay off their credit card one month, but then the next month, all of a sudden, their brain is like, Hey, you need to buy this thing and I'm like, Yeah, I do need to buy that thing. And so they just go back to that same pattern. And so to your point of like the rewiring for Anyone who's old enough to remember the days of like CDs, it's like scratching the CD so to speak, like scratching that track where it flips over that track to get like so frustrated when you're a kid trying to listen to your favorite song. And but then eventually, like it has to go to something new, it can't go back to that old pattern. So even if somebody out there listening is like, yeah, I am always in credit card debt. Like that's, that's my thing. That's my story, start to rewire it but even just fathoming like, Okay. What if I weren't in credit card debt every month? Like what would it feel like to look at my credit card statement and not have a negative looking at me? What would you like to see zero balance on that, you know, at the end of every month, so start to just play with that idea, that reality for yourself, and it does start to rewire it.

Erin Geiger:

Now it's so fascinating, you know, so anyone who's out there, research it, because it really is I mean, for me, I was just like, this is just incredible to learn about, because it's not as proven. And so like when women come to you, and they're like, okay, help me, Emily, what are the what do you what are the first few things you talk about? And what are the first kind of action items you gave them?


Good question, because I actually have modified it over the years. So what I used to do when I first started out was I used to dig into beliefs and limiting beliefs and and explore questions with them to really dig in and find out okay, what are your limiting beliefs? And somebody might say, you know, well, I'm afraid I'll be judged for like, some people are scared of success. They're like, I'm afraid my partner will judge me if I'm too successful, or they'll leave me or what will so and so think if I start this business, like Who am I to do that? So we explore these limiting beliefs. And I used to work on limiting beliefs, and then take action. But I've actually found that the two got to go side by side, because action outruns the ego. If I say ego, as somebody will say, What do you mean ego, and I don't mean in the traditional sense, like someone who's egotistical and full of themselves, I use the word ego as in that devil on the shoulder that tells you these negative things tells you these limiting beliefs. And so when people come to me, they always want a different result than what they're getting. And I actually one of the things that I love to do is actually even stretch the result that I think is possible for themselves. That's one of my, I don't want to say signature things. It's like, what am I like, I just like, lights me up to do that for women were like, Alright, what do you think is possible? And then I'm like, okay, you're still thinking too small. Let's go to here. And then they're like, what? And then we, I just, I just helped them see how easy it actually gets to be and how these limiting beliefs or total BS, and that when you take action, it can like eliminate them in such a quick amount of time, rather than sitting on it for like, weeks or months on end, like, Oh, I still feel this way. Okay, want to not feel that way anymore. anymore. Go and show up and like, go do the damn thing. And you'll get over that real quick.

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, and sometimes you need an external person to tell you that, like, I think I heard you Porterfield once I think he was talking to her, I think it was Rachel Hollis. I'm not sure. And she was just like, I want to grow my business this year by X amount or something. And then the other person was like, no grow up by like, 10 million. You know, it's just like, like, Where do you get that from? It's impossible. But she adapted that. And she did. She did it, you know. And so sometimes you do need that third party to come in there and point that out to you, you know, of like, No, no, you were thinking way too small. Because a lot of times your loved ones may not challenge you because they love you. They want to keep you safe, right?


Yeah, exactly. And like, then that might not be their wheelhouse to, to challenge you and to see bigger for you. Like, I got that lesson a few years ago when I actually realized that self sabotage that was going on was me, trying to get validation from my husband for everything, like what do you think of that? And his, his specialty is not dreaming big. Like no offense to him. He's a very logical guy like his lawyer. He needs the facts. He you know, and so I I was sharing with him different dreams. And what about this? What about that he's just like, not doubting me, but just kind of like playing it safe with that stuff. And I would let that get to me. And for like, a few months there. I was, like, really, like not moving forward in my business. And that's when I realized, like, I don't need the people. I eat my husband. To understand my crazy ideas. I just need them to love me. And that's it. And let me find someone who is going to be my cheerleader to be like, Oh yeah, you can do that. And then like, to your point, like 10 exit like over 10 million, you know, not my case. But that that expensive, like, beyond belief kind of inspiration, like, that's what I needed in my life. So I just kind of go to my husband now after the fact where I'm like, oh, we're gonna do this. And he's like, Oh,

Erin Geiger:

that's good. Yeah. What are what are the biggest kind of mistakes or you know, like when you see women, you know, working that are having these challenges with their finances or with their, you know, how much they're earning? Like, what are some of the common things that you see that are holding them back?


Biggest thing that I see is the, the feeling and literally them saying one step forward, two steps back. And I think that in this mindset, world, and personal development world, we can feel like, we can feel that way and feel like we're doing it wrong, when that's actually part of the journey. It's kind of like, if somebody is training for the Olympics, let's just say, like, they're not going to show up to the gym or show up to the training facility, or wherever it is, they're going, and everyday feel awesome. Be like, yeah, this is the best day of my life, I feel so good. Like, they're going to be tired. Like, it's going to push them to a point where they want to quit. Um, but they just know, like, they focus on the end result. And they're like, I know that this is all part of my journey. And I feel like sometimes with money mindset, or even just general personal development, whether someone's working on new relationship, or weight loss, or what have you, is that we can get derailed so easy when things don't go right. So I've had it before where, like, I remember a client of mine few years ago, she was doing well and feeling really good. And then she wrote me this one day, and she's like, Oh, my God, Emily, like, This always happens to me. And this is another thing actually, where people say, quote, unquote, this always happens to me. So that becomes the story, right? And she wrote me, she's like, This always happens to me, like, just when I'm feeling good, you know, now I get noticed that my car needs $500 in repairs, like, Great, now I'm gonna like $500 in the hole, and I'm like, wait a minute. Like, let's reframe this, okay? Your current needs, like, let's look at his factually your current needs repairs, cool, you need $500. Great. Let's also look at the fact that you just increased your salary issues, self employed. So now you have more money, that's gonna allow you to pay for this, too, there's more where that came from, like, you're not gonna die, because you need to pay out $500 for your car. Three, this is all part of the gig of having a car like cars need repairs, you know, like, stop, stop making it mean more than it needs to, like, that's a big thing for people. And I feel like they can get so tripped up in like making it mean this huge thing, and they've screwed up. And then life is over. And they've done it all wrong. And they're back to square one. Again, it's like, no, this is where you show up to do the work. This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. And it's like, this is where this is the turning point to are you going to go forward? Or are you actually going to go back?

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, and I bet you this is never ending, it's kind of an ongoing, I don't want to say struggle, but something that you have to manage I'm sure you work with women that are are, you know, have these high powered careers or these really successful businesses. And they're still go through this right? It's not something that's just newbies, you know, this is something that even even people who you think have it all together, are having these questions, right? It's kind of head trash.


Yeah, and that's the other thing is that when we put people on a pedestal, we feel so separate, and we feel like, we're never gonna, you know, quote, unquote, get it or figure out that secret or that, like, there is no secret. It's just, it's just simply, what are you? What are you really putting your attention on? And does it feel good, essentially. So we need to so as humans, we're really good at over emphasizing the bad and under emphasizing the good? Yes, exactly. And we need to flip that around. Like, I like to use example of like, if it's a kid, you know, when kids like if they go poop on the potty for the first time. We're like, like, Yeah, right. Versus like, what if they fall down and scrape their knee? We're not gonna be like, Oh my god, like, let me see that you idiot. Like, like if we can really reframing to think okay, what would I say to a child. It really helps us as adults of like, like if the child did fall, you know, as a parent unless it is quite something serious. You try Don't make light of it, you're just like, oh, no problem Get up, like, let's put up and you like come up with the craziest things like all his magic band is gonna make it feel all better. And then the kids sometimes believe that we're like, instantly they stop crying when the magic band aid that pop patrol hits their knee, right? We're gonna do the same as adults, like really evaluate where am I like freaking out about the silliest thing? And where can i overemphasize what my brain is making out to be the smallest, most insignificant thing, which actually is huge, because these small little steps daily add up to be, you know, a big, big exponential growth

Erin Geiger:

over time. No, that's true. And there's that that, that statement of we overestimate what can be done in a year, but we grossly underestimate what can be done in five, you know, and so it's like, yes, that's part of it, too, right? You know, because we're constantly like, Oh, God, why didn't get this done? You know, and it's just like a sum of failure that why even try, you know? Yeah,


like, literally, to your point. Literally, today, I wrote up my to do list for today. I'm like, I have this little whiteboard that I use. And to that point, like, I scratched out today, and I wrote for this week, I was like, wait a minute, like, I'm setting myself up for failure. Let's change this from a day to a week. And this is gonna feel

Erin Geiger:

much better. Yes. Oh, my gosh, yeah, exactly. Because a lot of times we're like, have a to do list of 15 things, we wake up overwhelmed, and go to bed defeated. Stop that. So how did I got to ask, how did the pandemic, how did COVID-19 impact your business? Because they're all about mindset. And I can just imagine the pandemic, a lot of people's mindsets, went in the tank. It's like how tell tell us about that. Like, did your business changed, your messaging changed, like what happened during that time.


So I feel well, one, I feel really blessed. Like the fact that my business isn't, like 90% of it is online. I do do in person things from time to time, but that's very rare. So I did feel blessed in the sense like I was I was set up, I don't say set up to win, but definitely had an advantage going into COVID-19 of having an online business. So definitely, like I had clients of mine who had you know, brick and mortar type businesses, so definitely can empathize with overhead they have to pay and staffing and figuring all that out. But one of my strengths is problem solving. And so when COVID-19 hit Well, it's still here. Um, I really got, I don't want to say excited because that sounds a bit like not compassionate. But I got I got like, curious of like, how can I show up for my audience in a really amazing way that's going to help them overcome such a stressful thing for so many people. And my business actually did want it increased by 50%. Last year. So my business took off, I had my best launch ever, ever program last year. And it really, I mean, I don't know about you, but I just really loved seeing the I feel like the word of the year last year was pivot. Like, the pivot that businesses made and how creative they got. And like, there's some things that will stay now forever. That that COVID, like actually gave us as, you know, a blessing in disguise. But, yeah, in terms of how it impacted how I showed up, I just, I didn't allow myself to go down the road of, oh my god, I can't charge anymore, or like, you know, I can't sell because people are really hurting, and they're really struggling. Like, I just didn't allow myself to go down that path with my mind. It was just like, okay, people need me more now than ever. How do I want to show up? Right? And then that guided me to, like I said, have a 50% increase in my business last year?

Erin Geiger:

Yeah. Yeah, that's how so how, how did you show up? How did you kind of switch? Like, how did you how did you identify like, Okay, this is where my audience is hurting. And this is what they need right now.


Yeah, so with my there's a few practical things that it was one I had a membership at the time. So in there, like, I just let the floodgates open up like, Okay, what questions do you have have for me, and there's a variety of different businesses that I work with are like types of businesses that I work with. So I'm just like, really supporting my clients that way with my membership? And then I think, yeah, it was just like I said, one of my gifts is getting creative with problem solving. So it was still offering my services. Like I had a program that I offered, when was it August of last year, so we were still like in the thick of COVID-19. And it was a three month long program. Where Yeah, people who thought like their businesses were over I was given the encouragement of like your business isn't over. I'm joined this program and we're going to come up with creative ways to make it work. Like even people who I don't know did Reiki in person. I was like alright, let's let's figure out how to do distance Reiki online. So it really shifts and the other thing was like practically speaking, there was a an affiliate, I was an affiliate for a program where she was showing people how to create digital courses. So that really aligned really well like I was all in for that I'm like, Okay, this coach that I've worked with, she's amazing at creating digital courses. Like, if you want to do this, go there. And then I offered like bonus trainings, that kind of stuff. So yeah, it was just helping people really in my in my case was helping people go online.

Erin Geiger:

Got it. Okay, now that makes sense. Yeah, I think a lot of people especially with, in person, brick and mortar, they're like, Okay, how do I? How do I, what do I have? What do I have to work with? And how can I kind of shift you know, to take advantage of this time? Is there so a lot of our audience is entrepreneurial. So I was wondering if there was like a tool or a process that has changed your business for the better that you're like, Oh, my gosh, without this, forget it.


Yes, it is, I really did curse on here. It is the headship journal. best things that you can do, I was actually doing it this morning, what you do is because speaking of mindset, like we all have limiting beliefs, and really limiting beliefs are nothing more than a self fulfilling prophecy. So we really got to challenge them in order to change them. So with the headship journal, what you do is when you're reflecting on something that you desire, be it someone wants to quit their nine to five, or someone wants to pay off their credit card loan, or whatever it might be, is, you write out any of the resistance limitations, disbelief that you have in your mind. So give me give me an example. What's, what's an example of something that maybe somebody might want but not believe? Like workshop?

Erin Geiger:

Maybe they want to make six figures their first year in business?


Okay, good. So somebody will say, I want to make six figures in my business. And so they'll write out all the limitations they have around that. So that could be like, it could be just like really vague, like, like, let your pin flow with this could be as vague as you want it to be as specific as you want. So it could be like, just literally writing like, Oh, my God, are you crazy? Emily? Like, that's impossible. No one could be, you have to work so hard, you would miss so much time with your family and friends, like you'd be exhausted. could be something as like, silly. Like you need to lose 20 pounds in order to do that, like that's that I actually uncommon with money mindset and like, and being quote, unquote, successful is feeling like you need to look different in order to fit the mold, right? So or, like, I don't have a big enough network, or why would somebody want to listen to me, too, you don't want to hire me and my services. So like, get all that out there. And then what you do is you cross it out. So first step, write it out. Second step, literally cross it out. And if somebody gets as far as step two, that's actually really therapeutic in and of itself. Because that just alone is declaring, like, I am no longer tolerating this, like I'm challenging this, I'm willing to look at this differently. whether somebody consciously believes that or not just the crossing of it out is very symbolic. So you cross it out. Third step, is you want to take the like, imagine that the best friend or a good mentor or coach, somebody is chatting to you about these limitations, like what would they say? Or even like, what would your higher self say, you know, so to speak. And so you rewrite the the quote, unquote, truth, where it's like, so in this case, I would write out, yes, I know, having a six figure year, my first year, seems crazy, but there's people out there that have done it. And I know that if others can do it, I can do it too. Or it could be like, I have sold, maybe they've sold out two packages of whatever it is they have, or they've sold 100 of their soaps or whatever they're selling. I have sold XYZ, and my clients have loved it. So what stopped me from selling XYZ more, you know, like just just really like bridging that gap between point A to point B point A being like the disbelief, point B being fully believing, and just bridging it as best they can. And that is really, really powerful. Like I said, I was doing that this morning because I have a new financial goal for myself, like a monthly goal. And I just wrote all the things I thought the reasons why I couldn't do it, and then literally just like crush them all out, and I'm just like, this is bullshit. And then just started rewriting all the reasons why it could happen for me, and if somebody practices that daily Oh man they're gonna have some powerful mindset to go and achieve that thing

Erin Geiger:

I love that so much I think yeah in writing stuff down is so important even if it's like writing your goals and all of that if you know because there's that statistic out there that it says it's like what 80% more you know that you actually achieve it or something crazy


yeah that's written down yeah.

Erin Geiger:

Yeah and now is this like a journal that you've purchased? Are you just like grab a notebook and just start going


Yeah, good question. So grab a notebook I I do it actually two ways so people can do one or the other both so I have a separate little mini journal that's that's literally just for headshot stuff but if I'm writing in my you know regular journal and like I was this morning and I find the headshot is coming up I'm not gonna be like oh let me go downstairs and get my head like I just was like alright, I'm just gonna write it here so I do both but people can choose both one or the other whatever they like but yeah it's not like oh go purchase this election

Erin Geiger:



I totally needed me to go check out that domain

Erin Geiger:

so as you know some people who are listening are just getting started like what is like a key learning or something that you're just like oh my gosh get out of that as you as you kind of went ahead in your business there's just like wow okay without expecting that but learning from it.


Oh, okay. Like like lessons learned. Don't want to do that again.

Erin Geiger:



I would say that nothing stands out in turn this is not like oh I'm the best person in the world but like nothing stands out in terms of like, oh my god that was a horrible mistake that I made you know, like do not do that. But what I will say is that I really wish that I would have chosen myself earlier in my career meaning not like and when I say choosing myself it really comes down to like, believing that I can do the thing before I'm actually on board and taking action to do the thing. So for example, last year I had my first ever 100k launch like I launched this program sold I forgot another 60 people who joined it anyways it ended up bringing over $100,000 in income from this program I in hindsight after having achieved that I realized it was like I could have done this like years ago not to like be like oh the best night like but it really was like wow, I had this thing the pivotal kind of moment was like I decided just to choose myself and I decided to choose like people weren't above me anymore like it weren't like there weren't like these like shiny people up on that pedestal that like only they got to have these big lunch like I was like I'm gonna choose myself to be the person that gets to get that goal as well. And the minute I did that was the minute that the inspiration came the support came the right coaching came and started working like and yes I came up against obstacles and like you know, you have to overcome them but that's what I wish like earlier in my career I had not been so intimidated and thought oh I gotta wait or I can't do that yet like I can't do in person workshop like who's going to show up to my workshop? You know, like I wish I had chosen myself earlier and done things earlier than I did

Erin Geiger:

Yeah, no, I think that's that's everybody right? I mean I think all of us because we just have that you know doubt yeah in our selves so yeah, no, I completely agree with that I understand that you know, so you're handling a lot you're about to handle a lot more with a baby coming and this is this question is gonna go right out the window as soon as that happens, but are there any kind of like daily or weekly anything that you kind of throw in your routine to like keep your sanity check it out and help you have that business and personal success?


Yes, I know speaking of that I'm what I was actually thinking that this morning I'm like, please don't lose this habit and and the habit is and it sounds kind of boring, which is meditating and it was something that for the longest time I like half assed and dabbled with and you know, did here and there and thought I sucked and then I actually don't I wish I knew what like that switch was like, What happened internally but pretty much like I don't even know it probably for the last. Jeez, two, three years. I meditate pretty much every single day and I do find that if I'm if I miss a day, it it It feels off like I don't feel quite me because meditation just really gives me that like slowing down it allows me to connect with my intuition it allows me to really like have that me time and it doesn't need to be a lot like this morning my meditation was only five minutes but it's funny how even like the mind can discredit even like I remember opening up this meditation isn't listened to and my mind was like oh it's only five minutes it doesn't count like so to anyone out there listening who might have been trained to meditate like let five minutes count let one minute count like sitting there and just breathing for one minute like putting a timer on for one minute that can count as meditation I think meditation seems so intimidating and like this like real spiritual thing we need to like sit on a special pillow and Kumbaya qbr way through it but like, no, it's it's it can be really easy. And it's it's one of like my foundational things I do every single day pretty much.

Erin Geiger:

That's great. I've started to dabble like I want to get consistent with it. So now the peloton app has meditation and I also got one called headspace, too, as well. And I'm curious, is there one that you use to kind of guide you?


Yes, and this is gonna sound like full of myself, but it's my own. So years ago, I kind of I don't even know how I got into it. But anyways, I had created a few meditations for my clients here and there. And they end up being really good. And so my clients back in, I think it was like 2019 they were like it was 20 days 2018 2018 they were like we want more meditation. So that's that's how my 2018 Yeah, that's how my, my membership was born was this whole notion of like, okay, each month, I'm going to create a new meditation plus other things. Because my clients wanted more. So I was like, Alright, we want more, I'll do it. So over the years now I have over 40 meditations nice that I've created. And so I'll alternate between them. And I'm also part of Gabby Bernstein. She is a miracle membership where she she's had this membership for three or four years as well. And she also did MIT there does monthly meditations. So between hers and my own, that's the two that I go back and forth between.

Erin Geiger:

Okay, cool. That's awesome. Yeah, I


think that's really

Erin Geiger:

great. So again, this one is you know, I know that you know, baby on the way but as you look forward, what are the goals and the vision you have for your business?


consistency, which I don't know about you like being in the mastermind now with a rebel gray, right? Like, I just love, I just Yeah, I just find and it feels so good. There's I don't know about you, but like, there's such resistance to it in the beginning. Like, oh, I gotta write your and I've got to, but like, write three emails this week, or whatever it might be, like, do five social media posts or whatever it might be. But I'm, I'm really excited to show up more and, and get more consistent, because consistency is not my strength. And so I've been really inspired by our mentor, Laura, Laura. And today I was working on some posts and some emails and that kind of stuff. And it's funny, like anyone listening I know they're gonna go through so maybe you go through this yourself, but like, I find showing up for my business starts out it's kind of like this, like, this journey of sitting down and be like, Oh my god, I have nothing to write. Okay, maybe I have this idea to write, but this idea kind of sucks. No one's gonna resonate with it. But I write it anyways. And then from there, like a new idea comes I'm like, hey, that's gonna have good. And then from there, I'm like, Oh, I have this really great idea. And so it's like this journey of eventually getting to the sweet spot. But I can't get to that sweet spot unless I let myself do it badly to start. So actually from our mentor Laura, I have a posted on my wall that says give it the B minus effort. And that's like my, my go to theme. Just like let yourself do a badly give it to be minus effort. Because if I don't do that, I'll never show up to do the thing. So that's what I'm excited for which I don't want the baby coming. It might be a little more challenging to do these things, but that's my intention. That's what I'm excited for. Yeah, is to consistently show up so that my audience, my community does feel really connected to me and I feel connected to them and it's just growing in a way that feels really good.

Erin Geiger:

Now, that's great. And I think it's important to remember that consistent what's consistent to one person is not to the other. So it's like whatever that personal consistency is, right? So, you know, it's like could be like, oh, everything every single day and it's like, No, you have to do it. Find the consistency that's realistic for you. If it's one A month if it's what every other week, you know, that sort of thing. So to kind of your point of like the B minus, it's like, it doesn't have to be like, a game every single day.


Because even just like and I know Laura was sharing this, today, we were like, it's like, the law of averages, like half of your stuff is going to be less than average, just by default, because it has to be something half of it has to be less than average half of half of it has to be better than average or above average. Right? And so like, yeah, some of your posts might be in the bottom 10% of them. Perfect. Something got to go on the bottom. 10%

Erin Geiger:

No, that's right. We're not


gonna get your top 10% unless you right or whatever that craft or, you know, showing up is for whoever's listening like, you just got to do the thing, right to get yourself out there

Erin Geiger:

now. Yeah, that's so true. Yeah. And it's like not not everything's a neighbor. be your best to work with some is you just got to do it. Yeah. So where can people find you online?


Best to find me on my website, Emily? So the CA is because I'm up in Canada. Yeah. And then from there, right on that homepage, they'll see there's a link there if they want to download couple meditations for free. That's there. And then at the bottom of my homepage, they can check me on Instagram. There's a link there to connect with me on Instagram. So yeah, I recommend start with meditations to anyone who's listening who wants to get into a good daily habit. There are meditations specifically picked out to help people manifest more money. So that's kind of a fun thing.

Erin Geiger:

Got it. Okay. No, that's perfect. Awesome. I'll put that link on our show notes. And so we always end with a super fun question, which is, if you can only listen to one music artists for the rest of your life, who would it be?


Oh, I'm so bad. Okay. Okay. I would say Mumford and Sons, okay. Yeah, he

Erin Geiger:



for sure. Yeah. Yeah. But I know like any other side, pig. I know. I get sick of them after a little while. Yeah, I'd be cursing you'd be like Erin.

Erin Geiger:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I've had so much fun chatting with you. Thank you for taking the time, especially now. Yeah, thank you. It was so great. So I want to just say thank you to everybody for tuning in. And we'll put all of Emily's links in our show notes. And we will see or virtually see everybody next week. Take care.



Erin Geiger:

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