Small Business, Big Mindset

How to Find Your Copywriting Voice

Muscle Creative Season 3 Episode 80

Let's talk about finding your voice in writing!

If you've followed me for any time at all, you know that I'm all about conversational copywriting. I've even coined the term copysation, making copy a conversation, because when people go to write something, especially for their business, they tend to freeze up. They're not sure what to say, or how to say it and their personality goes out the window. 

Essentially, whatever makes you you, is lost.  Many people might see how somebody else writes and talks about their own business and they'll adopt that style.

Unfortunately, that's not going to translate very well to your audience, at least not for the long term. You can only be someone else for so long. Eventually, it's gonna come across as not genuine, right?  You might sound stiff, uncomfortable, maybe a little awkward.

Burnout is right around the corner. How long can you pretend to be someone else using someone else's voice?

Listen in as I tell you step-by-step how to find YOUR OWN VOICE in copywriting.

** If you need help with your copywriting, join my membership Email Ally to get monthly email templates OR submit your copy to me so that I can work my magic with it to get you more heart-eyed customers!

Email Ally
Copyedit Polish and Strategy

Erin Geiger:

Welcome to the Small Business Big mindset podcast, where we dive into tactical strategies to grow your business. And to make an impact on this world. A huge part of success is keeping your mindset and vision on track. So this is a major part of our process. And this podcast, let's do this. Hey, Erin here, welcome to the Small Business Big mindset podcast. This week, we are going to talk about finding your voice in writing. So if you've followed me at all, you know, I'm all about conversational copywriting. I've coined the term copy station, making copy a conversation, right? Because I think when people go to write something, especially for their business, sometimes they freeze up, they're not sure what to say, how to say it's their personality goes out the window, you know, so whatever makes you you, it's like you lose it. A lot of people, right, like they think they're supposed to sound especially in business. And many people, right, like someone else, they might see how somebody else writes and talks about their own business. And they think, Oh, that's pretty cool. I kind of like what they're doing. And so then they start to do it. But unfortunately, that's not going to translate very well, to your audience, at least not for the long term. Because you can only be someone else for so long. Eventually, it's gonna come across as it's not genuine, right? Because it's not from you, and how long can you really go on doing that? You might sound pretty stiff, you yourself are going to feel uncomfortable? Maybe a little awkward, and you're probably going to burn out on it, right? Because how long can you pretend to be someone else use someone else's voice? Or just not use your personality at all? I mean, that's not fun. So what I like to do, what I teach people to do, is think about how you would speak to family and to friends. What slang, do you use what catchphrase? What catchphrases Do you include, and of course, you know, I don't know how you talk to your bestie. And you might have to clean it up a little bit with depending upon if you use colorful language. Depending upon your your business, your niche and your industry. Sometimes that's fine. But it all starts out with how you normally would speak. Okay, so I'm going to give you two action items, two exercises to try out. So the first one is, I want you to write something non business related. Okay, it can be writing about your day, what you did for the holidays, what you're planning on doing over the summer, maybe your favorite childhood memory, the get the best gift you've ever gotten, or something funny, like the best prank you've ever played, I want you to write it as you would speak it, then you can record it audibly, and then transcribe it if that helps. Because sometimes it might be hard, especially if you're first starting out to write something as you speak. So if you want to speak it into a recorder, and then use a transcription service, like otter, IO or something else, or even just yourself to transcribe it, then that's fine, too. And then read it after you write it. Okay, so reading aloud can help you really hear how your writing flows. Honestly, sometimes I'm not in the mood to do that. And sometimes I feel silly, and it's just, it's just seems forced. So reading silently works to Don't make yourself do it if it's not going to help. So when you're reading it, kind of follow through, like read it once, just read it through, then read it through again, and try to follow like, what's the main thread of the story? Was it that you help someone? Or that you're looking forward to doing something over the summer that you or your kids are really interested in? Maybe it's been on your list for a while and it's something new? Is it that you just you know, you let loose and you allow yourself to feel good doing something? Now think about your business? What in your business correlates? Do you have something that helps people kind of supports them with something that they're doing? Do you offer something that has to do with trying something new, or that simply feel good fun, like I'm thinking of a few of my members and email ally and a few of my clients? You know, I have some authors in there and their, their books are an escape, right? And they're there feel good fun. I have others that help people start their own online businesses. I have others that are realtors that help people with the next era of their lives. So so so many of your, your non business related stories or memories can correlate to your offering to the business. Okay? So you can take that story or a memory that you wrote in your voice, and then using that same voice tone about something in your business that relates. Okay, action item number two. Now you're going to pick something in your business to talk about. It could be a freebie like maybe of a free guide, or a checklist or a quiz that kind of gives them something at the end. It could be a product, or it could be a service. How would you talk about it if you were telling a close friend or family member, so write it out as if you were having a conversation with someone you love about it? Again, you can record it and then transcribe it. If that's more comfortable for you. Be sure to tell them why you created whatever it is like, Did you see something missing in the world that you know needed, like a hole that needed to be filled? Did you hear people having a hard time with something or complaining about something? So you're like, I'm going to fix this, I have a solution. This is what's worked for me. What was it? Was it just a dream that you've had, because of something in your past, you've always wanted to write a book, whatever it was. So go over what it is, and why you made it, who it's for. Right? So exactly what who you built this, you know, product or service or freebie for, what it does, and what they get from it. And then read it aloud. And you know, kind of do the same thing kind of go back and maybe polish it a little bit just a little bit. Because again, I don't know what kind of colorful language you might use in talking to a loved one. And you want to make sure for whatever your industry is that you're you're not polarizing your audience. So those are the two action items I would like you to give a shot at. Do these exercises until it becomes second nature. Maybe one day, write something non business related and then relate it to your business. And then the other day, pick something your business to talk about and kind of go you know, off and on like that. What's great about doing this is that while you're doing these, you're creating content that you can actually use it's a win win because writing is like a muscle the more you exercise it, the stronger the skill will become. So I hope these things help. Again, if you have any questions on anything, email me at Aaron at muscle creative, calm. And if you do need help with your copywriting, head on over to muscle creative comm slash email ally to get monthly email templates so that you're Springboarding off of actual content and not staring at a blinking cursor. Because I love helping people kind of like you know, get inspired to write an email ally is such a great membership in order to do that. So until next time, have a great week. Thanks for tuning into the Small Business Big mindset podcast. To keep the fun going. Check out our Facebook group start and scale an online business For even more free trainings and resources from fellow entrepreneurs. 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