Small Business, Big Mindset

How to Create Super Clickable CTA

Muscle Creative Season 3 Episode 83

This week, I'm going over the call to action aka the CTA. There are a variety of things that go into creating a very clickable call to action.

I'll go through some of the nuts and bolts with you on this episode. A CTA encourages your audience to take a specific action - it's really a conversion tool. It can help in converting members, subscribers, followers, get the idea. You must know exactly what you want your audience to do, before you even start to create your call to action.

From how to guide your audience to take action to the color, shape, and placement of your CTA, this episode focuses on all things conversion by call-to-action.

Need some help with your copywriting? Customers not converting? Not okay! Let's take your copy from 'meh' to 'marvelous'.  Check out how you can work with me here.

Erin Geiger:

Welcome to the Small Business Big mindset podcast, where we dive into tactical strategies to grow your business. And to make an impact on this world. A huge part of success is keeping your mindset and vision on track. So this is a major part of our process. And this podcast, let's do this. Hey, Erin here, welcome to the small business, big mindset podcast. This week, we are going to go over the call to action or aka The CTA. So this is a variety of things that go into creating a very clickable call to action. So I'm going to go through some of the nuts and bolts with you today. So a call to action or CTA encourages your audience to take a specific action, okay, so it can help you really, it's a conversion tool. So it can help in converting members, subscribers, followers, customers to get the idea. So you have to know exactly what you want your audience to do. Before you even start to create a call to action. What do you ultimately want out of the action you're guiding your audience to take, figure that out? First, you want them to subscribe, comment, reply, share, enroll, that sort of thing. And usually, I am all about being kind and polite, but don't do not mind your manners. When you're doing a call to action, you have to be very, very direct and be super specific. And saying exactly what your audience what you want them to do. Do not kind of like dance around it. Because they're they won't get it. So I think sometimes you might be like, Ah, it's pretty obvious what I want them to do. It's not, so you're really going to have to spell it out. Okay? You want to be focused, too. So giving your audience too many choices can overwhelm them. There's that phrase, a confused mind says no. Same thing here. So if you have too many links on the page, and asking them to do too many things are probably not going to do anything. What's the most important thing you want them to do? Focus on that. And then you'll be golden. And then when it comes to the copy of your call to action, focus on the benefits, what are they going to get out of it. And also make sure they know where the buttons going to take them when they call when they click on a call to action button, okay. And then the words that you use should should make it sound like it's fun, like it's worth their time. So some call to action button copy options that I'll go over. I mean, there's the typical ones, like sign up, subscribe, learn more Add to Cart Free Trial download. But you might consider other ones like, start now grab it join us, I need it, count me in, you know, maybe reserve your seats. Let's do this, you know, that kind of stuff. Or it's still clear what you want them to do. But it's less mundane than the typical ones. Right? So you might be wondering what colors work best, like what color should your button be? So Some studies say that green and orange perform best that used to be studies that blue was great. Really, it comes down to your design, right, you probably have brand colors that you want to use, just make sure that they're the their contrasting colors, right? black on white, green on purple, I personally use a black button with white text. So you can still use your brand colors and all goes together, well just make sure that they're contrasting. And then as far as the shape of the button, really you decide what works best for your website, because both rounded edges and buttons with square edges perform well. So you could just test them out and see which one works better for you. And then I've had people ask, well, how much coffee like how much coffee Can I stick into a button. So you want to make sure that of course the copy is specific and action oriented. But try not to go beyond five words, most of the time, you can get the point across in two words, okay. And also make sure there's space around the copy, don't have it go right to the edge of the button. whitespace is your friend. And then when you're trying to place it on the page, make sure the call to action button is always above the fold. And above the fold is you know the part of the monitor of this other screen that you see first, before you scroll down. You can have a few call to actions throughout the page, such as like a sales page. If you're selling one product, such as a digital course, you might have a way to purchase that digital course a few times throughout the page. But note, it's pointing to the same product, right? So it's a few different links, but they're all selling the same things. You're not giving them too many options at once. But you're always going to have one at the top of the page. Keep in mind, if you're in the Western Hemisphere, the Western culture has us reading top to bottom and left to right. So just something to think about in the placement of this kind of stuff. And then you're going to want to place it near the action as well. So let's say I'll give the sales page as another example. Further down the page, you have said you have a risk free, you know, to risk free offers, maybe you give a refund like you, you try the digital course out for three days. And then within that time, I'll give you a refund. So it's risk free. Well, when they read that, then they might be feeling all warm and fuzzy and ready to buy because like, oh, well, it's not a risk for me. So make sure that you would have your call to action, if it's like to buy now, near that stuff. So it's kind of one example of how to keep it near the action. But really, you're going to want to test them out. So you can run a B tests to see which call to action copy works best. And you can also test out the placement, the shape and the color, you can really just go crazy and test everything. Make sure that's pretty controlled. Because if it gets too out of hand, then you're not going to know what perform better than what just make sure that you're kind of like testing one thing against the other before moving on getting a clearer picture of what performed better before moving on. So that's your quick and dirty training for Call to Action copy. Hope it was helpful, and I will see you next week. Thanks for tuning into the Small Business Big mindset podcast. To keep the fun going. Check out our Facebook group and start and scale an online business For even more free trainings and resources from fellow entrepreneurs. If you haven't already, head on over to muscle creative comm and click subscribe to join our email list for weekly updates. And if you've enjoyed this podcast episode, check us out on your favorite podcast platform to follow us and give us a review. As always be authentic bring an insane amount of value and keep crushing it