Small Business, Big Mindset

AI for Writers: Friend or Foe?

Muscle Creative Season 4 Episode 98

I'll be honest - the mere thought of artificial anything, when it comes to creating the written word makes me cringe. It goes against every fiber of my being because for me, the point of writing is to put pen to paper or finger to keyboard to create something genuine. 

Even if it's fiction, it's supposed to come from a place of organic creativity. So when I heard artificial intelligence, I was like, oh here we go. But I'm not one to blindly shut something down. So I did take a deeper look. And AI is here to stay. We'd be silly to ignore it and hope it goes away. And actually, it's been pretty cool. 

So, as such, how do we as writers leverage it to our liking? Ultimately, when it comes to writing, is AI a friend or a foe? So turns out, it can be both.  I'm committed to using the technology for good. And I'm seeing AI as a friend.  I like to joke, maybe it's more like you keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. ;)

Listen in on how to leverage AI for good!

Erin Geiger:

Welcome to the Small Business Big mindset podcast, where we dive into tactical strategies to grow your business and make an impact on this world. A huge part of success is keeping your mindset and vision on track. So this is a major part of our process. And this podcast. Let's do this Hi there and welcome to the small business of being mindset podcast. This week, we are going to talk about a I just a quick, quick conversation. There is so much to talk about chat GBT AI like what is especially in writing, that's what we're gonna focus on. This week. Again, very quickly, I just want to go over some points is AI and writing a friend or a foe? Right. So very quick, quick training, I will expand upon my thoughts about AI and future trainings. But for now, I just wanted to address this one teeny tiny topic about it. So when people started applying AI to writing, I'll be honest, I was cynical, at best. I have written my entire life. And I'm so grateful that I get to do it as my career. So the mere thought of artificial anything, when it came to creating the written word. Well, it went against every fiber of my being, because for me, the point of writing, to put pen to paper or finger to keyboard, it's to create something genuine. Even if it's fiction, it's supposed to come from a place of organic creativity. So when I heard artificial intelligence, I was like, oh, gosh, here we go. But I'm not one to blindly shut something down. So I did take a deeper look. And AI is here to stay. Okay, well, we would be silly to ignore it and hope it goes away. And actually, it's been pretty cool. Leverage leveraging AI, in different facets of my life, especially in in writing. So as such, how do we as writers leverage it to our liking, right? So ultimately, when it comes to writing is AI a friend or a foe? So turns out, it can be both. So I'm committed to using the technology for good. And I'm seeing AI as a friend. I guess I like to joke. Maybe it's more like you, you keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. So a few ways that I see AI as being a friend. Is it it really helps with a writer's block, right? So I think we've all been there, you're staring at a blank page with that cursor. blinking cursor, right? You're like, you're like, oh, what? How do I start? Well, that can be a thing of the past with AI. So if you give AI a topic, it'll blurt out tons of thought starters, right? Just given a topic and see what see what app pops out. That's the thing though, please consider them thought starters. Okay, and don't just copy and paste whatever it spits out, it'll burn you. And we'll go into that more on the photos section below. I have used a I you know, just for starters, for ideas around titles, really specific things, right. And you do need to be specific with what you're asking AI to create for you. And then I kind of mold it in my voice and the direction that I want to go a God of just helps me brainstorm. Okay. I joke that it's the Millennium Falcon of speed. The output of AI, it puts the quickest of writers to shame. It'll give you title options. It'll research results. It'll give you formatting ideas, really in the blink of an eye very, very quickly. And then you can take what it gives you and even hone in on it even more. If you're looking for cheap labor, look no further. Many AI solutions are free or at least have a free version. For example, chat GBT is free. I've only used the free version. But apparently there's a paid version called jet chat. GBT plus, I have not checked that out personally. Seo. Okay, this is like the fourth and final thing I'll go over is AI as a friend. Ai pulls from content that is already popular and keyword laden. So it'll help you out it's as content that's already been vetted. And so you if you're having these keywords within your own copy, it'll help your content to be found via SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Okay. AI as a foe, right? So, super generic content will get you eaten alive. People will see right through it. So am I content, it's leaps and bounds better than what it used to be. But don't let your guard down. All AI generated content needs to be carefully vetted by a human yourself or someone on your team. Some of it still comes across as very like surface content. So it's not really worth anyone's time to read kind of like the fluff stuff, right. And so your audience will either call you on it directly, or they'll simply stop ingesting your content, right. And they'll let you know indirectly by you'll see your engagement decreasing. So whatever it pops out, again, write it in your own words, dive into it deeper, make sure that content is quality, and people are going to walk away having learned something from it. Second point of why it could be a foe, it's in the details, you've got a fact check. AI is simply pulling info from the web. So while checks and balances are in place of it, it may pull things that are out of date, or that are simply not true. It's not worth losing the trust and respect of your readers, you've got to double check. Number three, rights issues can be a nightmare. The AI I've seen does not cite so its sources. So unless you do a search, you're not going to know where this info has come from that can get dicey as it brings plagiarism into play. In the area of art and imagery. I've already read articles of artists who feel slighted by AI as people are sharing their work is something created by AI and not credited crediting them. Number four, it can never have your voice. This really should be number one, people read your content because of you, your personality, your voice, your tone, the way you communicate resonates with them. So many people write about the same topics such as the pros and cons of AI. But your readers come back to you because the way you speak to them is special AI cannot replace you. And actually, I'll give you a bonus thing to think about as well. Please don't put any sensitive information into these AI bots. Okay, there have been instances of like, security breaches and risks when you're because again, it's cataloguing all this information that it's got that it goes through. So keep the sensitive, secure confidential information out of your AI searches, at least for now. So as with anything, there's pros and cons, right, AI is no different. But rather than snubbing our noses at it, especially those of us who have been writing for a living for decades, we need to embrace it. It's just a new flavor of technology. And there are ways to make it work for you. Take advantage of the perks about it that will make your life as a writer easier, and just leave the rest. So there you have it. I love to hear your thoughts on AI, especially as it pertains to writing. So give me a holler at Aaron at muscle And let's chat about it. I would love to collaborate with some of you guys, and how we can use AI for good and writing. So that's it this week. I will see you next week with a new episode. Thanks so much for tuning in. Thanks for tuning in to the Small Business Big mindset podcast. To keep the fun going. Check out our Facebook group start and scale an online business For even more free trainings and resources from fellow entrepreneurs. If you haven't already, head on over to muscle and click subscribe to join our email list for weekly updates. And if you've enjoyed this podcast episode, check us out on your favorite podcast platform to follow us and give us a review. As always be authentic bringing insane amount of value and keep crushing it