Small Business, Big Mindset

What's Next for the Podcast?

Muscle Creative Season 4 Episode 99

Episode #99!  Wow. When I first started this podcast I just wanted to connect entrepreneurs so we could inspire and learn from each other. What a journey it's been.  

As we catapult to episode #100, I thought I'd highlight the top 5 episodes so far (by downloads), introduce what's next with the podcast...and let you know who the special guest for episode #100 is (hint - she's a celeb in the copywriting world and about to launch her first book...sure to be a NY Times Best Seller).

Top 5 episodes so far:

What's next for the podcast? CLOVER. I'm beyond excited for this series.

Who's my special guest for episode #100? I'll give you a hint. She met one of her business partners at Crunch Fitness in NY...back in the Crunch Fitness heyday.

Erin Geiger:

Welcome to the Small Business Big mindset podcast, where we dive into tactical strategies to grow your business and make an impact on this world. A huge part of success is keeping your mindset and vision on track. So this is a major part of our process. And this podcast. Let's do this Hello, and welcome to a very special episode of the small business being mindset Podcast, episode number in 99. We are one way, one episode away from our 100th episode of this show, I'm so super excited and grateful. I wanted to take this episode to take a look back at how this show started. Look at some of the the top 10 episodes that we've had, highlight some of our guests and let you know what our special 100th episode will cover as well as a new show direction that's coming after that 100th episode. Okay, so let's get started. I started this podcast in March of 2020. Okay, I had this itch, I was like, I really want to have a podcast I want to I want to talk to other entrepreneurs. We live in Austin. I was like, This is great. My husband Joey, he's, you know, he's a musician as well. He has like a studio and our house. I think this is perfect. Like I can do the content. He can do the produce the producing aspect of it. Like I said, we're in Austin, we're surrounded by amazing entrepreneurs, this amazing community, we can have people come to our in home studio and chat with us. It's gonna be amazing, right? This was like in January, February of 2020. Okay, so we're prepping, and we're gonna record some of our first ones in March. And then we all know what happened. The entire world when topsy turvy with the COVID 19 pandemic, so no longer could we have guests come to our home. That was a huge vision of this podcast. And that just wasn't going to happen. So we had to shift right? That word became so popular in that year, right, we had to shift. So we looked at a few different solutions, like virtual solutions, and we did land on Zoom. And actually, it was a blessing in disguise, because I have been able to discuss entrepreneurship, with business owners around the globe, as far away as Australia. And it's just been incredible to be able to connect with people regardless of the where they are, you know, Australia, the UK, the US, it doesn't matter, right? So that's been so so super exciting. So amazing shift, and we never went back to the in person thing. We might still try that out. Again, have some special special guests in house. But so far the virtual thing has been going really well. We started out like I said, March of 2020. My goodness, our first guest was Melanie, right from Melanie right photography and she chatted to us about jumping from a traditional career to being an entrepreneur, entrepreneur and starting her business. We talked to wade Lombard, who founded a square cow movers and how it was just like going gangbusters. And then that was like really was bringing a business back from the brink. They were you know, they were just like, hey, we're looking at their numbers that were falling. They're like, what are we doing and, and they had kind of had to rebuild their their business. We even talked to Madison Citaro, who was a kid printer and a TV personality, right? She was on the Food Network and the shoe is just a doll that was amazing. Talking to her. We talked about people, you know, managing gyms, right? There was a pandemic, real estate, right, like hair stylists, like all of these people that were you know, had these Booming Businesses and how do they how do they keep it going during the pandemic, what was what was creative and the way that they kept their their businesses going? Right. So we've talked to so many people and all facets of life, different scales of growth, a different, you know, places within their entrepreneurship journey, entrepreneurial journey. It's been great. And then you've had a lot of trainings from myself, as well like finding your niche. Top business lessons learned that that in that year in 2020. It's been just an incredible, incredible ride. So over the top five episodes of all time so far. Number five, has been how to create super clickable call to action. So you guys are like tell me how I get people to click on what I want them to do. Number four with my exact email writing process again, you're like, tell me exactly what you do. And let me give it a try. Number three was six ways to set boundaries for business. growth. And I think that also stemmed out of the COVID 19 pandemic as well, right because all of a sudden we're all at home. Like work life is starting to like meld with personal life like what is happening, so boundaries had to be set. So that was another top episode number two, or 10 for re resources for copywriting. I like free help as much as the next person. So that one is a really popular episode number one by far. And this is by downloads or by streams, right? The four critical steps to starting a business that was a tough one for you guys. And these episodes run the gamut some of them were within our first year some of them were after so it's really really interesting to see. Episode number 100 I am so excited for you for the for you guys to see this. Okay, this is going to be in early May. It's going to be our 100th episode. Oh my gosh. Laura Bell gray is with us. Laura is like my my my my writing mentor. She's become a dear friend. She's incredible. If you have not heard of her yet. I don't know how Google her Laura Bell Gray. I'm talking shrimp is her is her company. Amazing. She's actually about to come out with her first book called tough titties. That comes out in June. She's incredible. So she's just one of the top copywriters in the industry. So do tune in to episode number 100. I'm looking at the calendar. Now. I believe that will come out on May 2 On Tuesday, May 2. So tune into that. After episode number 100. Deciding we might take go have a little break in between and start back up. Or maybe I'll just keep on going. I'm not sure. But we are doing a bit of a content shift. Starting with episode relate Episode One 100 fits this as well. But definitely starting with episode number 101 is I'm kind of shifting I'm doing a women and literally Women in Leadership Series. And I'm calling it clover, C L O V as in Victor er clover, like the little green plant, right? I'm of Irish descent. So I love clovers, you'll you'll see them around different things that I have. And you might have heard the phrase in clover, so to be in clover, it means you're prosperous, you're living well. Okay, so this content series is going to be centered around women in senior leadership, it's going to be a platform for women to share their stories of how they've reached their current level of greatness. However, that is personally defined for them with tangible insights that the listener can then take action on, if so inspired. So really, the audience for this is going to be ambitious people, men or women, right, looking to achieve the next step toward their greater career goals. Maybe you've been stuck in middle management, or you're wondering how the heck to finally move up to senior leadership. Maybe you're just starting out, but you have dreams to have a seat at that golden C suite table. Or it could be that you've achieved that coveted chief in front of your title. and I are looking at options ahead of you. Hearing from accomplished women could be the key for you to break through and identify that missing piece has been blocking you from moving forward, it's going to be a great opportunity to learn from each other while we're navigating senior leadership with the complex challenges that come along with this, especially achieving these as a woman. So I encourage you to tune in to this special content series. For women. It's about women in leadership, named clover, I am so excited to launch it, you're gonna you're gonna be really amazed at this group of women. So that's going to come after episode number 100. I'm still TBD and when when I'm going to launch this series, but I don't know if I can really hold out much longer. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking around for this. Oh my gosh 99 episodes soon clothing and on episode number 100. You don't know what it means to me. It's just incredible to have you along for the ride in this community that we've built. So thank you so so much. And I will see you next week for episode number 100 And then our special content series about women in leadership called Clover after that, I'll see you then. Thanks for tuning into the Small Business Big mindset podcast. To keep the fun going. Check out our Facebook group start and scale an online business For even more free trainings and resources from fellow entrepreneurs. If you haven't already, head on over to muscle and click subscribe to join our email list for weekly updates. And if you've enjoyed this podcast episode, check us out on your favorite podcast platform to follow us and give us a review. As always be authentic bringing insane amount of value and keep crushing it