Small Business, Big Mindset

Entrepreneur Roundup: The Top Thing We're Grateful We Learned for Our Business in 2021

Muscle Creative Season 2 Episode 77

In one week we will enter the last month of 2021. In a few days, millions in America will celebrate Thanksgiving, gathering with friends and family for (hopefully) some relaxation and fun.

As such, we thought it fitting to take this time to reflect on a positive that this year has brought to small businesses. We reached out to previous guests on this podcast and asked them to share what they are grateful they have learned that has impacted their business this year.

We are grateful for them, and the time they took out of their busy schedules to share with you. We hope this is helpful as you wrap up a strong 2021 and start 2022 with a newfound passion for serving your audience and getting crystal clear on the goals you will be accomplishing.

Entrepreneurs featured on this episode (not necessarily in this order):

Erin Geiger:

Welcome to the Small Business Big mindset podcast, where we dive into tactical strategies to grow your business. And to make an impact on this world. A huge part of success is keeping your mindset and vision on track. So this is a major part of our process. And this podcast, let's do this. Welcome to the small business, big mindset podcast and our second annual gratitude episode. As we did last year, we asked some of our guests what are they most grateful for? So in a way, we sort of invited them back to share more with you. We ask them what are they most grateful for be a personal or professional, especially during this time of year as we head into the holiday season, and with everything that everyone in the world is dealing with. So we hope that these little tidbits and these insights from some of our amazing podcast guests help you out and we wish everybody out there a happy Thanksgiving.


Hi, my name is Mike Garrity. I'm an author with squirrel lantern publishing, small independent publisher. I write romance novels and I have released for this year, so it's been a productive year for me. One of the things I've learned most about business and how to conduct my business is particularly with all the marketing and research I've had to do this year, trying to keep everything organized and in one place, so I know where to find everything. And all doing all of that learning the different strategies available for social media, and how to use them effectively. And what I need to do to get my website off the ground and email, there's been so much I've tried to tackle this past year, maybe a little bit more than I should have in one shot. But, but it's been a great learning experience. And I've been able to pick up a lot of a lot of tips from the different things that have come across my desk this year. So I've been happy with the way things have gone. My name is Matt zon and I am a Story Strategist, I show leaders how to persuade with power through the art of strategic storytelling. I primarily do this through workshops. So I'm grateful for a lot this year. One of the things I'm very grateful for is that in person events are coming roaring back. I did many in person events this year, and I anticipate doing a lot more in 2022. So I'm very excited about that. Very grateful, very thankful. But one of the things that I learned that I'm grateful for is the power of networking prior to needing to network. I think a lot of people focus on networking when they need something. I think we tweak our mentality and we network out a passion for meeting people and serving people when we need help from someone, they will be there because we would have already built those solid business relationships. So because the networking that I did years ago, I was able to weather this storm of COVID Shutting down in person events. So now that they're coming back because of the network, it's been absolutely fantastic. So that is what I am grateful for. And I'm looking forward to the upcoming year. Hello everybody listening. My name is Mary Magli Ardo. And I wrote a children's book called Oh, look, it's a bird. It is available on Amazon, Nancy, Jim Marco illustrated it. And she's written lots of other books and is an amazing, amazing artist. And you can also find all of her work on Amazon. Our little book is my poetry said to Nancy's drawings, its facts and some fiction, and encourages the reader to use their imagination. There's so much I'm grateful for every day. But in regards to the book, I'm grateful that we were able to publish it right in the middle of this pandemic. I learned early on that social media is pretty much the only way to get your book out to the world. Without investing 1000s of dollars. It has been a bit of a hurdle for me personally, as I have a love hate opinion with the internet and social media. But I'm working on overcoming this and really diving in. I'm hoping that as the world continues to heal, we will be able to have book signings and readings at different stores, and to really broaden our market past just social media. Thanks for listening. And thank you, Erin and Joey for including us in your podcast. Hello there. My name is Nancy, Jia Marco. And my company name and website is little And I'll spell that out for you. It's L I L M O n. S. T I'm an illustrator and a children's book author. And the thing I'm grateful for this year is goal setting under the SMART program, which means the goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Using this system, I set a goal last week and actually knocked it out even though it was one of my annual goals. I'm also grateful for a platform called Skillshare, where I've learned so many more things about illustration and the programs that I used to do that. Thanks for your time you guys. Have a great day. Hey, everyone, this is Andrew renkon, owner and operator of preggers pizza and pasta Korea and the credulous food truck out here in Lakeway. Texas. As we get to the end of another challenging year for most businesses, I have to say that what I'm most grateful for is learning that focus and simplicity can help accelerate your growth. What I mean by that is, as product product shortages and labor shortages have hit our business this year, we've simplified not only our menu, but also the systems and services we offer to our guests, both focusing more on what we're really good at. And this has helped us sustain double digit sales growth over 2020. So, you know, customers are much more understanding these days when it comes to removing products or services, as they are just so much more knowledgeable about what's going on in the world. And they see it every day as they shop in grocery stores or other businesses. So don't be afraid to become more focused on what you are best at. And you'll be amazed by what a little simplicity can do to helping drive growth. How much My name is Linda sudo. And I am CEO of Linda's to do LLC, when Erin asked me what I as most grateful for this year, hen it comes to impacting my usiness, I couldn't help but hink about this one thing. And t's really to go all in all in ith your strengths. Lean into our intuition, and only do the hings that you can give 100%. nytime I was contemplating on oining a group coaching rogram, a mastermind group or uying a course, I would ask yself and actually sleep on it nd decide the next day if I was illing to give it my all? And f the answer was yes, I would o it. If the answer was no, I ould say no. This also included hen other entrepreneurs would sk me to be on their online ummits, or partner with them nd certain things if I didn't ave the ability to go all in. nfortunately, I would have to ay no, because I felt like it as a disservice to that ntrepreneur. And it was also a isservice to myself and the ommunity that I that I have. So hat am I grateful for this ear, I'm grateful that I leaned nto my strengths, and that I ave the intuition and guidance ithin myself to decide when I ant to go all in with omething. And when I do and hen I go all in, I make sure to ake it impact not only me as a usiness owner, but the ommunity that I lead. Thank you o much Aaron for asking this uestion. It really helps me nderstand what's helped me move he needle and be a better usiness owner.

Erin Geiger:

Thanks for tuning in to the Small Business Big mindset podcast. To keep the fun going. Check out our Facebook group start and scale an online business For even more free trainings and resources from fellow entrepreneurs. If you haven't already, head on over to muscle creative calm and click subscribe to join our email list for weekly updates. And if you've enjoyed this podcast episode, check us out on your favorite podcast platform to follow us and give us a review. As always be authentic bring an insane amount of value and keep crushing

